Loni's Resume

My objective is to attain a position with a growing company or individual devoted to quality and team work where my capabilities may be utilized. I am skilled in professional support and problem solving through active listening and energetic awareness. I have highly developed organization, communication, adaptability and computer skills. I offer personalized commitment to services and team work with the ability to learn new tasks and ideas quickly and efficiently.


  • HTML programming
  • Intra/Internet development and usage
  • Networking (Ethernet) concepts and solutions
  • Familiarity with Photo Shop and Illustrator
  • Windows 3.x - XP / MS DOS
  • Mac OS
  • WordPerfect and MAS 90
  • MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)

  • 04/05 - Present  Hollywood Physical Therapy, Los Angeles, CA
    Position: Front Office Administative/PT Aide (Massage Therapist)
    Front Office tasks included:

    PT Aide Tasks included: 01/01 - 03/05  CONFIDENTIAL, Los Angeles, CA
    Position: Support Services/Personal Assistant

    03/98 - 10/99  NBASE COMMUNICATIONS (MRV), Chatsworth, CA
    Position: Business Account Sales Coordinator

    08/97 - 03/98  Independent Computer Consultant, Encino, CA
    Position: Consulted with companies on various aspects of their Internet presence, from website design and creation, to ongoing web-site maintenance. Specific highlights include:

    01/97 - 09/97  BOXTOP INTERACTIVE (now IXL), Westwood, CA
    Position: Interactive Website Production Assistant

    01/97 - 05/97  BBDO (West) ADVERTISING AGENCY, Westwood, CA Temporary position until interactive project completion
    Position: Interactive Coordinator

    07/93 - 01/97  IMAGES BY DESIGN, Woodland Hills, CA
    Position: Office Manager/Internet Coordinator


     Spanish - Conversational - Limited


     I am an amateur culinarian and certified massage therapist.
    A Jack-of-all trades, I enjoy a very diversified choice in work projects.
    I consider myself as a well-rounded and culturally refined contributing member of society.


     College of the Canyons, Valencia, CA - Some College Coursework Completed
    I am also a practicing Massage Therapist of 14 years (ABMP licensed, CPR/First Aide certified and liability insured) I have over 450 hours of school training from IPSB in Venice, CA and Touch Therapy in Encino, CA. I have advanced certification in modalities ranging from pregnancy massage to reflexology.
    I am currently attending www.kevala.co.uk online for an educational degree in nutritional studies

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