Tiroogon Tracks

As you walk from the cave, you look around the almost treeless place. It's like a desert, butsomewhat different in a way you cannot see. A little silver thing is laying under a tree, partly covered with sand. Then it snaps awake. Hello there! you hear a light, little voice from the it. I'm called Aarro. What's your name? You call out your name, and he gets up and bounces to you. I'm a Tiroogon! Ain't I cool? Aarro

Name: Aarro
Species: Tiroogon
Kind: Silver
Gender: Male
Stage: Adult
Siblings: Red-Blue Max, Gold Ye!st'lav, Ghost Sherlock, Albino Synthia, Silver Han'sry, Christmas Tigger
Mate: Not lookin' yet.
Offspring: !!!

As you walk away from the Silver Bouncing-Like-A-Tigger Aarro, you look ahead. Hhmm... 2 ways to go...

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