Keria's Korner

Keria's Korner Map
A real little waterfall is in a corner, and a stream rolls around the area. Soft Moss partly covers the ground. Green Grass
grows neatly. The tree is so tall that you couldn't see the top. A girl sits under a tree. She tells you, "I am Shavana. This is the Home of the Sha-Companion named Keria. If you wish to try and prove yourself worthy to get a Sha-Companion, go to-"


A horse gallops to you. Hello. I'm Keria. I know I look rather odd, but I am a Sha-Companion. Shavana completed the task to become worthy of a Sha-Companion.

Name: Keria
Species: Sha-Companion
Kind: Dapple Grey
Gender: Female
Stage: ??
Siblings: ????????
Mate: !!!!
Offspring: !!!!!!!!!


A horse gallops up to you and next to Keria. "Hello! I'm Jesse! I'm Keria's best friend. I was made to be a play mate for Keria."
As you walk away from Keria, Jesse, Shavana, and the beautiful site, you look ahead. Hhmm... 2 ways to go...

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