Denji's Drop

You leave the Dragon Drop and see a meadow, but not as decorated. It looks dull at first. You look at a tree. Nothing. You look at another tree. Nothing.
The Next tree you see has a little red dragon under it playing with a few blocks. Then he looks up and smiles at you.Denji Denji's Blocks ~Hello! Did GrayWolf send you to see me?~ The little dragon sees a little figure running to him. ~GrayWolf!~ he cries. GrayWolf pants as she trots to you. "Hey, I'm gonna be stayin' here for awhile, letting others take care of the other pets. I need to give Denji a friend here," she replies.
Name: Denji
Species: MoonDragon
Rider: GrayWolf
Color: red
Gender: Male
Stage: Hatchling
Siblings: Coming...
Mate: None.
Offspring: No mate. Expect me to have kids?
From: Adopt A MoonDragon
Personality: Friendly around people. Likes to play games, especially Tag and Hide- and- go- seek.

Denji's Story:
There is only one egg left. A red egg. But no people to adopt it. But the egg crashes open anyway. The little red looks around. Tears come to his eyes.
~Mommy! Nobody came for me! Mommy! Mommy!~ MoonBeam cradles the tiny dragon. Suddenly, the tiny red leaps out of MoonBeam's arms and rushes to someone who had been hidden in the crowd of people.
~GrayWolf! You are mine!~ Alissa smiles and everyone is relieved.

You notice a sign posted to a tree. It is pointing back to the Main Meadow.

Next Sign
You are the GeoCities Counter Dragon-Watcher to visit Denji. Visit often!