Animorphs Animorphs

Andalite Disco
You see a horse/human/scorpion-like creature trot to you. < Hello. I am Relonian-Halas-Sinrinal. Just call me Relonian. In case you don't know, I'm a andalite. You may know me by my other friends: GrayWolf, SteelWolf, GrayPup, TTail or TopTail, GoddessJoy and Derane 6375. Welcome to my little creation, Shae. >


Aarro moved in!
Keria moved in!
Zaphir grew to be an Adult!
Dellonshaw & Farfinia (2 of the Drigetti here on Shae) just grew to be Adults!
We added the Tigestor Trail, and you can Impress a Tigestor!
We tried to get Crystal to work. PS: If you have a Click Me Button like Crystal, please notify me on the Message Board!
We adopted Topaz, the Unicorn.
We got Toranis, a Storm Dragon.
All of us here on Shae, the workers, went crazy with the Tigestor Pack coming.
We started on the Tigestor Pack's Page, and the Impression Page. That was weeks ago.

You hear footsteps behind you. You look back, seeing a griffon. She says "You harm us?" You shake your head."Good. Look all you like, just don't do anything that would make us mad." You nod again, but she stays behind you. Fang
You see GrayWolf up ahead. She says "Ah. You have met Our Watch-Griffon Fang. She follows newcomers around. She looks over the Main Meadow."

A little puppy walks to you. Graypup. "GrayWolf got it! She got it!" You ask, "Got what?" She answers, "She found the unicorn nest!!" When she scambles away, you look ahead and walk. You notice a Young Unicorn soaring above you.

She dives down, lands, and greets you warmly. "Hello! Admit it; I'm cute! I always will be cute! I was born to trot!" GrayWolf: I FOUND THE NEST!! I FOUND IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFTER 2 HOURS OF SEARCHING, I FOUND THE NEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Name: Topaz
Species: Unicorn
From:The First Unicorn
Gender: Female
Stage: Teen
Siblings: ...
Mate: ...
Offspring: ...

As you walk away from the unicorn Topaz, you feel Someone or Something above you. You say it is just the birds, but you feel Something is with you. "TRER!!" something screams. You look up and glance above and around you just before TopTail divebombs you. "GOTCHYA!!" she yells. TopTail flies back to her tree, leaving you a list of choices on where to go.

TopTail's Chatroom.

TopTail says, "You can wander down to the deep Forest and see wild Creatures, and, of course, have a Guide. Do you think WE would let you get killed by Dragons, Wolves, Tigers, or Furbies?-" GrayWolf interupts, "Furbies?! Oh No! Not Furbies!!" You ear a Da Da Da like int he movies when a bad thing is gonna happen and you know it and the director wants you to know it is gonna happen. "Naahhh.. But on the other hand..." :-) ...

Drigus Desert
Alicorn Alley
Dragon Drop
Tiroogon Tracks
Chi Cave
Denji's Drop
Drivoran Pack Dream
Firelizzard Frost

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