Hello ! I've been looking forward to your visit. Enjoy yourself.. Pull up a chair, grab a drink and snack, then prepare yourself to have an awesome time browsing my site!

Please remember that this is ALWAYS under construction! Please be patient- if you have problems reaching any links, or viewing any images- let me know by a quick e-mail message and I'll try to fix the problem ASAP.

Now I will attempt to show you what kind of things I'm interested in, and provide as many links or images as I can; without taxing your computer.

Before you choose to enter my site-- I ask that you understand that I have, (to the best of my knowledge), in no way infringed on anyone's copyrights, or laws. Some links provided do not necessarily reflect my views, and may have some content that you feel is offensive. However, I am doing my level best not to offend, but to show the absolute truth.

Enjoy yourself; and feel free to sign my guest book!



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Last updated on July 22, 2004

This site edited by Meg-a-bytes and tCM

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Some Pictures on this Page are Copyright © 1995-2001, Luisa Arevalo Klose. All rights reserved.