Hello, and Welcome all to the World inside my head. My Other Selves and I are working hard on a lot of the pages contained within. All stuff that interest Us, but that may interest You as well. Coming Soon are pages on Beanie Babies, My Little Pony, Pages Dedicated to Valdemar, the brain child of a great writer Mercedes Lackey, Pages dedicated to Me and my other selves and my friends. So just Sit back and relax for now. and Peruse the pages We have finished.
You can visit my Cyber-Pets.. We have worked long and hard creating a special place for them to live. All of the pages are interlinked so that the next button on the back will take you through all of them
You can visit Our Poetry Pages. These are just meanderings of my different minds.
If you have lost a pet or are about to go through the heartwrenching desision to put your pet to sleep, please visit my Rainbow Bridge Tribute to my cat Sir Hiss. It has a webring on it that lifted my heart and helped me heal.

Click here on my little flying friend to be Taken to the MOONTWINS ADOTPTION AGENCYrun by me and my twin sis moonlyght.

Heres my present from the RISING SUN ADOPTION AGENCY

See if im online and feel free to chat with me!!Here's my online icq communication center..if you don't have icq..GET IT!!

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