4/29/01: Hey again. still trying to create intersting images to try and make the site interesting. Have you check out yet? Well you should, because then you would enjoy what i have for you. It's megatokyo desktop components!! And better yet, they are made by me! (all the characters of course belong to piro, the artist of the megatokyo strip) Anyways, here's the zip file of desktops, icons, and cursors. Download it here. I will soon put up links for each of the desktop images as soon as i get them uploaded. Catch you guys later!
Last Updates:
4/19/01: Hello! How goes it? has anyone gone by megotokyo recently? That is the BEST online comic in my opinion. in fact, i am putting together a theme for that comic for fans. I create alot of themes really (i get really bored and themes keep my interested). Anyways, it will be up soonin a zip file. i don't want to put it up until i create a read-me file and until i find some sound files. Anyone out there that has some interesting sounds that would be fitting? If you don't know, then go read the comic!!! i am positive that you will love it.
Gee. i really got to spoof this place up! Any ideas? Over and out...
Date unknown: I am going to make this site into one about ANIME!!!!! My current love ^_^. How i LUV my anime! I don't know how long this will take (i don't have the layout planned yet) but my MANY of my sleepless nights will be used working on this site. I only wish i had a scanner so that i could create a webcomic. If anyone has any ideas on how to create a webcomic without having to scan pics into my cramped machine, THAT would be extremely helpful. My email is at the bottom of the page.
I am leaving my other pages up seeing as i don't want to leave this site empty ^_^; Go figure..
Anywho, I've ranted for long enough. Talk to you later!!
My Other Pages
This is important!!I will have a faery page up again! It just won't be my main page. Please be patient.
Unicorns, Unicorns, and More Unicorns!
My Links
Morion Designs - Great place for backgrounds
Morion Graphics - Great place to adopt a Dragon!
Celtic Art and ILLumination
Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
© 1997