Hi there to all! My name is Scott I am 12 yrs.old,as you will see I am an ice skater,and have been for a few years,I started at a young age,when I was about 6 yrs.old,it is a lot of practice,practice,but I really love it.I have entered many contest and have come home with lot's of first place medal's. I am really not bragging my Grandma is,she does the typing around here.*grin*

My Dad's name is Scotty and my Step-Mom is Kristy,I have two sister's and one brother,Shelby 7 yrs. old,you can visit her at Shelby&Annies's,and Kaylee 4 yrs. old she has her own web site at Kaylee & Barney's,and last but not least Kyle 6 yrs. old,he doesnt have a web site yet.Well that's my Family.

I also like gymnastics,roller blading,swimming and many other interest,so hope to have lot's for you to see!

Thank's for coming by!

My Family Link's

My Dad's Page

Kristy's Place



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