As you can see I have changed quite a lot
since I was 21 months and got this homepage.Of course
Grandma thinks I am beautiful,and of course she is right. *smile*
I still love Barney,but lately I just watch "Wizard of Oz" over
and over I just love it.For my
Birthday and Christmas I got all the Barbie character dolls of, Wizard of Oz.
My sister Shelby is 7 yrs. my brother Scott is 11 yrs.old.
I love dressing up in different costumes and wearing the play high heels also love
to get into my mommy's make up.I am also in gymnastics now and loving
ever minute of it.We got a Trampoline for Christmas,so I know I will
love that too,and I got lots of baby dolls,and a talking doll,
Amazing Alley ,my Aunt Tracy says the doll is rude.*smile*
Thanks For Coming By!

Really Cool Links!
My Mom's Place
Shelby & Annie My Sister's Page!
Samantha's Pooh Bear Page
Jordan's Pooh Bear Page
Stephanie & Tweety
Julia's Shamu Page
Jordan's JDMS Diary
Scott&Friend's My Brother's Page
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