Hi and welcome to my very own homepage that my Grandma,has made especially for me.Why? Because she loves me very much. *smile*
My name is Shelby I am 7 yrs. old and in second grade this year,and I love it.We have a swimming pool and I love to go swimming everyday in the summer,I also like gymnastics and have been taking classes for about three years now.I love roller blading and hope to take ballet soon.I play baseball and have for past 4 yrs.,and really have a great time. I am also involed in Church and the Choir,I really love it most of all,my Grandma and others say I have a very Beautiful voice.
My Mom's name is Kristy and my Daddy's name is Scotty.I have a brother Scott who is 11 yrs.old,and a baby sister Kaylee who is 4 yrs. old,she is a little redhead kinda like Annie,one of my favorite characters.
Well I am so happy you came by to see my page !
Thanks For Coming By!