APRIL 6, 1999-AUGUST 11, 1999


One year ago today...
You awoke so bright eyed and happy,
I believe you knew you were going back home.

You were a miracle the moment you came to us...
touching everyone's hearts...
And bringing them close together.

"Quite the little Angel!" people would say...
If they only knew how true those words were.

I think about your cute little face...
And those Big Blue Eyes....
And how much I miss holding and kissing you.

Someday I know I will see you again...
And I'll be as happy as I was ....
the first time I held you in my arms...
And touched your tiny hand.

But for now...
I'll remember those precious moments we shared...
And anxiously await the day...
I will see your beautiful little smile again.

I love and miss your more than words can say Bubba!
Auntie Fedder

To Mommy and Daddy, From Zachary....
My Mom and Dad Are Survivor's

My Mom and Dad are survivor's, or so I've heard it said.
But I hear them crying at night when all others are in bed.
I watch them lay awake at night and go to hold their hands.
They don't know I'm with them to help them understand.
But like the sands on the beach that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom and dad, who think of me each day.
They wear a smile for others...a smile of disguise.
But through Heaven's door I see tears flowing from their eyes.
My mom and dad try to cope with death to keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows them knows it is their way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom and dad...
through Heaven's open door,
I try to tell them that angels protect me forever more.
But I know that doesn't help them or ease the burden they bear.
For no matter what they matter what they feel,
My surviving mom and dad have broken hearts that time won't ever heal!

I love you Mommy and Daddy!!!