Check out our new website!

This is a photo of ME and SHANAAZ

Hi I'm Riyaad.
I signed up with geocities on 09/06/98 to setup our own homepage.

This a photo of SHANAAZ and her cousin

Starting from the left. My two bothers, my mother and father, sister and visitors from Malaysia and my grandfather.

Starting from the left. My Aunty Khatima, Khiyam, Gouwa, Zaid, Oemie, my mother and father, Abana and visitors from Malaysia.

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visitor to OUR page.

Email me at riyaad.omer@gmail.co.za in the meantime.
Please come back soon to see if our webpage has been updated.

Some more pages to view on our Webpage!

Samodien family

Omer family


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