Indonesian Folktales

The Birth of Majapahit

Some centuries ago a cruel king reigned in Central Java. He was called Prabu Mundang Wangi.
One day the king went to see an astrologer. He was a yogi. He told the king he will one day have three sons. Alas, the king will be killed someday bay his eldest son.
The king was exceedingly annoyed and upset to hear these words. He shivered. He could hardly speak. Then with a hoarse voice he turned to his men.
"Is that a thing to say!" he said. "Kill this yogi at once."
But none of the guards moved to obey the king's order. None could dare kill a yogi.
The king grew red in his face. He thundered at the yogi:
"I order you to leave my country at once. Immediately. I don't care where you go. Now for the rest of my life I will be thingking that I will bear a son who will have to be killed. GEt out of my sight. Get out."
The king had no sleep whatever after hearing what the yogi predicted. He could think of nothing but the dreadful foreboding of the yogi. His queen was expecting a baby but he had lost all the joy in it.