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New bulgarian university communication management and PR |
Public Relations management M's Programme | ||||||
Name of the program: Public Relations management Educational degree: Master's Transition to master's programs: After graduating in Master's degree students can continuing their education in Ph.D. programs. The most expedient Ph.D program is - Mass Communications Department: Mass Communications Director: associate professor Rusi Marinov, Ph.D Total credits for graduation: 53 Continuation of the program: 3 university terms Goals and scientific profile of the program: To prepare specialists and managers, who will be able to analyze in deep social, economical i political processes, to solve potential crisis and conflict situations, which contemporary organizations and institution are facing. To realize leading, coordinating and organizational tasks for different structure in the field of Public Relations. Admission: specialized examination - representing of personal clipping book, which include professional achievements of the candidate (not necessary in the field of Public Relations) and 150 lines essay "Why I want to obtain master's degree in Public Relations management"; converse with commition about the presented materiaals in the personal clipping book, and knowledge of the candidate about communication and social situations. The eligible students, who do not possess bachelor degree in mass communications are obliged to obtain at least 12 credits from the specialized courses of the bachelor's programs of the department of Mass Communications Terms of graduation: thesis Structure of the program: The program consist of the following thematic blocks: A- Professional - Educational; B - Communication - Management; C - Communication - specialized; D - Communicational context of the problems of the Bulgarian contemporary arts; E - Professional skills. The credits must be obtain as follows: obligatory courses from block A - 12 credits; selected courses from block B - 10 credits; selected seminars from block C - 6 credits; selected courses from block D - 6 credits; selected courses from block E - 4 credits; thesis - 15 credits. Thematic blocks: A. Professional - Educational COM 525 Formulate, prepare and manage of Public Relations strategies associate professor Rusi Marinov, 60 hours, 4 credits COM 526 Publicity and Democracy associate professor Dobrin Kanev, 60 hours, 4 credits COM 527 Public Relations project associate professor Rusi Marinov, assistant Desislava Boshnakova, 60 hours, 4 credits B. Communication - Management COM 503 ?esthetics professor Ivan Djadjev, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 505 Creative work in digital media assistant Kiril Gotzev, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 507 Public management associate professor Angel Doralijski, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 508 Legal considerations of management Maria Slavova, Ph.D., 30 hours, 2 credits COM 509 Mass Culture professor Ivan Stefanov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 531 Legal considerations of Public Relations assistant Dimityr hristov, 30 hours, 2 credits C Communication - specialized COM 511 Media reception professor Vladimir Mihaylov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 512 Representation in audiovisual communication associate professor Bojidar Manov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 513 Study of public opinion associate professor Vencislav Bondikov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 514 Political considerations of mass communications associate professor Tatiana Burudjieva, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 529 Finance management assistant Avksentij Sokolov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 532 Public relations in politics assistant Velemira Nedkova, 30 hours, 2 credits D Communicational context of the problems of the Bulgarian contemporary arts COM 517 Literature communication assistant Swetlana Stojcheva, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 518 Theater communication Krasimira Bliznakova, Ph.D., 30 hours, 2 credits COM 519 Musical communication assistant Ekaterina Docheva, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 520 Communication through fine arts assistant Dimiter Dimitrov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 521 Communication through films associate professor Alexander Janakiev, 30 hours, 2 credits E. Professional skills COM 523 Informational activities at Internet assistant Grigor Vlahov, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 533 Management aspects of Public Relations at Internet and Intranet assistant Desislava Nikolova, 30 hours, 2 credits COM 534 Communication theories and researches assistant Orlin Spasov, 30 hours, 2 credits Thesis - 15 credits. |
rossmarinov@icqmail.com |