Welcome To ShyWolff's Den

NA Bar

The Firepit

Come on into my den, relax and scratch up a comfy place among the leafpile. Warm yourself by this cheery fire while I speak to you about the journey that awaits you from within. My name is ShyWolff, a soul sister to the Wolf. Moon Dancer is my totem spirit who speaks through me from within these pages, which are being dedicated to the Wolves and Native Americans. Moon Dancer's heart has been heavy with grief lately for her brethren and pack mates. She wishes for me to help educate you about the Wolf. With knowledge, comes understanding which leads to opening your heart to the un-justice done to the Wolf and their brethren, the Native Americans.

Please download the "Black Chancery" font from here
Then unzip it into your font directory for the best viewing pleasure!!

NA Bar

Wolves Pages

NA Indian Pages

Misc Pages

*Understanding the Wolf*

*The Vision of the Twelve Stones*

* Wolves Image Gallery *

*Plight of The Wolf*


*ShyWolf's Den Memorial*

*The Hidden Soul*

*Fading Memories*

*Special Tales of Wolves - Message Board*

*The Huntress*

*Whispers In The Wind*

*Wolves and Native American Resources*

*To Reach The Pack*


*SpiritMates of The Wolf*

*Banner Exchange*

*Majestic Wolves*




NA Bar

A good friend of mine suggested that you might be interested in the other sites that I have designed, which keeps me quite busy in maintaining. Each site is a reflection of the different sides of my personality. I hope you decide to journey through my various worlds within the Net! While you're there, please take a moment and sign the guest books and leave alittle of your spirit behind! *vbg*

The Padlock

A virtual serene park with many glens leading from my imagination!

Paddie's Poetry

Spiritual haven of poetry!

Graphics Playground

My Paint Shop Pro playground!

Lady Amethyst's Garden of Fun

Personal website with a hint of DHTML!

Spirit Wolf...this is for you, dear lady!! *S*

NA Bar

The Light Force Offers Support For You Too!!

The Light Force is an excellent way to offer support to those that are competing in a competition, whether it be The Web Brawls, The Site Fights or The Peace Trails. Journey on over and offer your support, it would be appreciated by everyone!!

NA Bar

Ring of The Wolf

Please...Sign the Guest Book!!

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ShyWolff thanks you!!

Send Email to ShyWolffNext to Understanding

NA Bar

NA Indian Bar courtsey of Silverhawks Creations
A very special thanks to Silverhawk for the NA Indian Bar.
Please do not take without permission from the artist.

Copyright © 1998 by

Designed by ShyWolf Creations

All rights reserved.

Last Date Modified