Odus Gautney - 11/14/00 04:59:58
My Email:Odusgautney@aol.com
you have a very interesting web page and hope you keep up the good work
sincerly your
aunt and uncle>>
i saw your picture you are cute. how old ate you? i am 11. i like the Backstreet Boys. how about you? well "Bye,Bye,Bye" <><
Thank you for visiting my site! I loved the pictures of the beach and the hourse!
Good work, congratulations....
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Hi Kayla! You sure are a pretty little girl! I have just added a link to your page on my site. I'm sure that your mommy and daddy are very proud of you! ~Krystal, a friend of your mommy's
hi sweetheart
just wanted to tell you we,love you and we will see you soon. tommy,tammy,chris.
Happy Easter Kayla!
Hi Kayla, I just wanted to sign your book and tell you that I love your page. You have very cute graphics and are a precious little girl. Thanks for playing the KOTW St. Pat's Day Clover Hunt.
Hi Kayla, we sure like your page. Our Mommy showed us your page and we just love it. We have been in pageants too just like you. We decided to take it easy on pageants since we notice a lot of the Moms are acting ugly. Well, take care and nice to mee
Just wanted to see if this was going to work.
I am 4 years old and just love playing with my baby brother, Noah. We had 20 inches of snow in one day and it keeps on coming a few inches a day. It is very cold so I can't play in it. Mom says it will be warmer by friday. I'm in Wisconsin. Bye!
Hi Kayla! Just wanted to tell you thanks for being such a great Secret Elf! That was a lot of fun! I think it's neat that you do pageants. My mommy wants to get me and my little sister into modeling and stuff like that, but she says she doesn't know where
to start! I loved the Barbie and Teletubbies on the page you made me! Bye for now!
Merry Christmas, your secret elf wanted to brighten your day and asked everyone to sign your book!
Just popping in to wish you Happy Holidays!
Damon, Brittany & Brett
Hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY New Year!!!
you have a nice web page. :)
Your mom did a great job on your web page!:)
Hi Kayla!!
A Secret somebody asked us to sign your guestbook!!
I thought I would! I love your page!!
You have a nice page
Hi Kayla!I liked your page! Me and my mommy are working on my page, too! I like the Rugrats too! Did you see their movie yet? Come visit me, soon! Bye!
You have a wonderful page.
Just wanted to stop in and say hi to you! Great page! I am your KOW Secret Elf! Hope your ready for lots of fun!
You tell your mom she did GREAT on your web page tomorrow I'll visit hers.
Love your cousins
just wanted to send you this:
Hi Kayla, what a GREAT homepage your mommy has made for you. My mommy and I really enjoyed looking at your photos. Keep up the good work, we'll be back to see the updates.
I am Ed, your Heartland Community Leader, thought I would drop in and sign your Guestbook, you have a very nice webb page going, its looking real good, keep up the good work and most of all have fun while you are doing it.If you need any help at all don't
forget to call on me or one of the other Community Leaders.
I really like your webpage Kayla!!
Thank you for the card!!
I like your page and you are very cute.... thank you for signing my page.
Hi! Thanks for visiting our site! Kayla is a doll! Yes, I do see the resemblance to the Olsen twins! Devin, Kayla's *almost* birthday buddy, thinks she is a cutie, too! Take care, and keep up the good work on your site!
I really love your pages! I'm making some pages for my daughter, Ashtyn. I went to your graphic place and found her some!
Hi Kayla,
Just dropped in to say Hi. My girls favorite movies are any movie the Olsen twins are in. We love the Halloween one and How the west was fun.
Hi There! My mom is a Mommie on the Web and we were just surfing Kids on The Web and my mom noticed that YOU have the EXACT same birthday as me!!! Right down to the year, LOL
Your mom has done a very good job for a first time web page!!! Keep it up!!!
Justin (okay, his mommie, Tracie ..TLCZ)
Thanks for signing my guestbook!! Your page is very cute, we liked it alot!! Don't worry our mom and dad say that we belong in the monkey cage too!! But we mostly belong in the gorilla cage!!!
Hello Kayla! Welcome to Kids on the Web! You did so great on all the Halloween Activities. I'm very proud of you. You are going to have alot of fun in this group!
We look forward to getting to know you more
Damon, Brittany & Brett
Kayla, Welcome to Kids on the Web!!!
I am sure that you are going to really enjoy being a part of our "terrific" group of Kids!
Love & Hugs,
Hi, your webpage is fabulous! Keep up the good work!
Hi there,
I love your page, it is great. I think it is great that there are some pages that are worth while. Keep up the good work and follow your dreams!!!
Hy Kayla. I'm Tooee's little girl. Your mom was chatting with my mom today. so now I am here to meet you. I like to watch the rugrats too.
I like your pictures of you. you are real pretty.
I hope you winm the contest...YEAH!!!
My mommy is going to put my guestbook on my page today..I hope. so please come visit me.
Bye for now
Hello Miss Kayla! I am proud to have you as my Mini Miss Queen! Good luck to you in your next pageant!
You have a beautiful site. thank you for visiting mine.
Collin (& his Mommy) - 09/30/98 20:50:53
My URL:http://www.wf.quik.com/hmpmlp
My Email:ProctorH@zdnetmail.com
Name of Homepage: Collin's Pooh Place
Favorite Cartoon: Pooh and Tiny Toons
Favorite Movie: Hmmm ... not sure yet!
Favorite hobby: Running away from my Mommy & Daddy!
pets: Two rottweilers ... Heidi and Zeus
Hi Kayla! How are you? Thanks for stopping by my web site and signing my guest book! I decided to stop by yours, and I'm glad I did. I really like your backgrounds ... CUTE!
Tell your Mommy she's done a good job on your site and to come back soon to check out mine!
Oh yeah, I've got a new nephew who was born today (Sep 30) and my Mommy's made an "annoucement" page for him. Could you and your Mommy come back by and welcome him into the world by signing his guest book? Thanks in advance!
Bye 4 now! Collin
Dario Corradino - 09/29/98 16:36:59
My Email:darco55@yahoo.com
Favorite Cartoon: Wile Coyote & Roadrunner
Favorite Movie: Blade runner
Favorite hobby: to write
pets: 1 goldfish: Lancelot
My son Filippo, who is 4 years old, has the world's largest collection of seashells. He keeps it on all the beaches of the world... perhaps you've seen it!
harod - 09/27/98 23:08:19
My URL:http://netdot.com
My Email:harod@netdot.com
Hi peg
Like your web page now lets see what your background is like on guest book and if can read it. The blue on red is pretty and like it but can't read it easily.
Will try to write again later regarding anything else.
harod - 09/27/98 23:00:43
My URL:http://netdot.com
My Email:harod@netdot.com
Hi Kayla
Like your web page and pic. of paintroo.
but need to change back ground of red on guest book to different color. hard to read with the red background
- 09/27/98 22:58:16
Hi Kayla
Like your web page and pic. of paintroo.
Catharina - 09/26/98 21:10:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/7880
My Email:catharina.liljedahl@landskrona.mail.telia.com
Name of Homepage: LimeDesign
Favorite Cartoon: Ariel
Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite hobby: playing with my Barbie
pets: none
Hi Kayla,
since Catharina don't speak english I have to write this.*S* She love to make new friends and she felt in love with your beautiful graphics.
Give a big hug to mommy.
Hugs from Catharina and Merethe
Mary - 09/24/98 13:55:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3169/index.html
My Email:mary1960@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: Faith In Him
Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats (my kids LOVE them)
Favorite Movie: Hmmm...tough one, probably Sound of Music
Favorite hobby: Making graphics and playing on the computer
pets: One daschund (a wiener dog) named Pupper
Hi Kayla! My name is Mary and I'm a friend of your mom's. I also made the graphics set for your page and I'm so glad to see you liked that. I have a little girl too, she loves rugrats and lots of other shows, we've never seen the dog movie from Disney
hough. Anyway, here's a little something for your page! Have fun!
Angel - 09/24/98 07:42:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/2149
My Email:arami55@yahoo.com
Name of Homepage: from my heart to yours
Favorite Cartoon: Mickey Mouse
Favorite Movie: gigi
Favorite hobby: swimming
pets: dog named Sami
Love your page. Keep it up. hugs and blessings
Mommy - 09/24/98 03:49:58
My URL:kbfit@netdot.com
My Email:http://geocities.com/Heartalnd/Park/5765/
Name of Homepage: Peggy's Home Page
Favorite Cartoon: Winnie the Pooh
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Hobby: Playing with you
Pets: Midnight, the cat and Paintroo, the dog
Just wanted to be the first to sign your book