When I was about a year old my Aunt Pam started me out with my first Barbie. Since then she has been giving me Barbies for Christmas and my birthday. Also my Mommy and Daddy have gotten me several Barbies. There are the Barbies I can play with and then there are the Barbies that are put up for Collecting. The first ones I have on my page are the ones that are put up for my Collections.
Then I have my Holiday and Millenium Barbies.
And this one is real special to me because Mattel went and named a Kelly Club doll after me. This is Gymnast Kayla. Mommy had to search and search for this one. Even her mommy friends on the internet was helping her find it, but Aunt Pam came through again and found Kayla in Houston. She sent me two. One to play with and one to put up.
And now on to my Barbies that I play with. As you will be able to see I have them set up in different play stages. Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoy playing with them.
First of all we will go to the Park. Here we have the playground. If you look closely you will see the one that I named Kayla and Hunter (he's my boyfriend) sitting at the table enjoying our McDonald's Happy Meal.
And then we have Tanya out walking the babies in the stroller. Boy is she busy with two little ones.
And then of course we have to have the van that drives them to the park. WOW!!!!!!!!!Ken's almost too big to even drive the van.
Oh and then there's no way we can leave the animals out of the park. We have the long haired dog out for his walk and can you believe he's not trying to get the kitten next to him. They get along as well as my dog and two kittens. And be sure to notice the dogs getting married.