Welcome to my Guestbook!

Here you can read other's comments.

crswine - 09/14/00 03:47:17
My Email:crswine@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: bluemoon
Thank you: your welcome


Rex BW - 08/03/00 07:21:49
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: well, if you think from a chemical standpoint, it could be cookiesncream...but dunno
Pointless quote or thought:: "you scream i scream we all scream for ice cream"
Smile!: some other time
Thank you: nooo problem

wow! you changed the site's look. coolness. keep up the good work. did i say this about a page ago on this book?

A. Chris - 07/31/00 00:26:32
My URL:http://i_don't_have_a_website_either.com/
My Email:hipeoples@juno.com
Favorite Ice Cream: public park grass and oak bark with lake water chunks
Pointless quote or thought:: who would have ever thought? internet and technology...geesh!!!
Smile!: you're on candid camera?
Thank you: you're welcome!

Well, finally, it's taken me forever and a day, but I've now seen your site. I came, I saw, I signed.

Claire - 04/18/00 21:04:02
My URL:http://www.existentialcrisis.com/thoughts
My Email:leah98im@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Pointless quote or thought:: "I'm not denying it! Its just not true"
Smile!: :-P

Wow! An updated home page! I like it!!

Melisende - 04/16/00 03:42:56
My URL:/Athens/Aegean/3325
My Email:melisende@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Gelati
Pointless quote or thought:: Such Is Life
Smile!: :)
Thank you: Ta

Very enjoyable website. I shall venture this way again. Take care on life's great journey!

s.y. affolee - 03/18/00 05:38:24
My URL:http://members.gojasper.com/fairytalearchive/
My Email:fairytalearchive@gojasper.com
Favorite Ice Cream: coffee
Pointless quote or thought:: Pabulum can be good, nourishing food or it can be insipidly non-stimulating entertainment or other intellectual fare.
Smile!: :oP
Thank you: You're welcome!

Neat site! Keep up the good work.

Sorcha Khaless - 02/27/00 22:47:43
My URL:http://sorchasgrove.com
My Email:lilwolfpup@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate! =)
Pointless quote or thought:: "Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with."
Smile!: :-)

Greetings. I wished to leave my pawprint here and commend you on the beautiful realm you've created! =) I enjoyed my stay very much. Please know that you shall always be a welcomed guest in my Grove. May your days and nights be forever blessed *smiles so tly*.

Mike - 01/08/00 05:28:08
My URL:http://www.zap.to/TeslaWeb
My Email:muon1183@yahoo.com
Pointless quote or thought:: "The peer now spreads the glittering forfex wide,/ T' enclose the lock; now joins it, to divide.
Smile!: :~>
Thank you: your welcome, but it is realy I who should be thanking you.

if you like the music playing on this page, visit my home page and click on about the author to download it along with other classical masterpieces.

mike - 12/22/99 03:50:23
My URL:look below
Smile!: :~)


Don - 11/29/99 05:08:22
My Email:none
Favorite Ice Cream: none
Pointless quote or thought:: "none"
Smile!: Io0
Thank you: Sure


DJ TRex - 11/16/99 01:14:49
My URL:http://internet104.hypermart.net
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Pointless quote or thought:: The NEW Internet 104.... Your leader in Streamin' Screamin' Audio!
Smile!: no
Thank you: no

Listen to Internet 104 on Tuesday's from 5 PM to 7 PM and Fridays from 7 PM - 8 PM... Your favorite DJ TRex is there, playin the best of the 80s and 90s Pop and Alternative.... Come on, check us out....WinAmp Tune in to INTERNET 104! Yours, -- DJ TRex (I104 FM)

Claire - 11/10/99 02:10:04
My URL:http://www.i_don't_have_a_website.com
My Email:leah98im@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Pointless quote or thought:: "Life is just a bowl of cherries... or is it the other way around?..."
Smile!: :):):):) :-) ;-0
Thank you: "I could never have signed this guestbook without the help of my computer..."

This is a great website to go to and just waste time. I seriously get lost in here about once a month, and I never get bored because the site is so expansive. You can tell that a lot of work has been put into this site, and I wish I could get my website to come up on the web so that I could do cool things like this. I'm gonna stop ranting now.

Altair - 10/20/99 20:45:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Field/6208/index.html
My Email:Altair420@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
Pointless quote or thought:: Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse (decevie) The Curtained sleep; witchcraft celebrates Pale Hecate's offerings--Macbeth
Smile!: :D
Thank you: You're welcome!

I like your page it's pretty

RexBW - 09/07/99 19:58:42
My Email:same as above
Favorite Ice Cream: none
Pointless quote or thought:: "So much for the afterglow"
Smile!: =)
Thank you: No.

I resent advertising in guestbooks so I wish to have withdrawn my previous entries.

Ryan, Ethan, David, Blond Guy - 09/03/99 05:26:03
My Email:dm890232@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: hmmmmm
Pointless quote or thought:: see my profile
Smile!: :-)
Thank you: not a problem!

GOOD GOING ERIN...hmmm...i'm really bad at signing guest books!

Mike - 09/03/99 02:03:25
My URL:http://zap.to/TeslaWeb
My Email:muon1183@yahoo.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Tin Roof Sundae
Pointless quote or thought:: Uh...
Smile!: ;-P
Thank you: yes

cool site, good music, see below

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 03:53:11
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 23:27:12
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Rachel Knott - 08/20/99 17:32:30
My URL:http://Racheal83@yahoo.com
My Email:Rmestupid@webtvv.net
Favorite Ice Cream: Cherry ice cream
Pointless quote or thought:: I may add.
Smile!: Hi
Thank you: Rachel

Thank you for your wonderful website that I found!

? - 08/03/99 21:05:28
My Email:rogersfam@home.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Pineapple Coconut
Pointless quote or thought:: life
Smile!: No!
Thank you: Uh-huh

gee i wish i had a cool web site but i cant cause theres only memory for the two and theres not important enough to establish memory so i can access and create a third site on this comuputer

Mr. Harris - 08/01/99 22:58:31
My Email:jharris586@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Mocha Almond Fudge
Pointless quote or thought:: Always be excited...

Dear Erin It's official. I'll be teaching English at Mission Viejo High at the 9th grade level this coming year. Say "hi" to everyone. Mr. Harris

Chelsey - 07/14/99 17:09:56
My Email:Scully2318@AOL.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Ooh- chocolate peanut butter!
Pointless quote or thought:: "Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."
Smile!: :O)

ERIN!!! I love this!!! It's so cute- and the dragon named Domi- I have GOT to get me one of those! I'm so excited for you to come up this summer- you can help me with my page and maybe help me find a new roleplaying love- you seem to be my good luck charm !! Love ya always!!!

Mike Gary - 06/25/99 05:14:07
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/e-s_cohen/teslaweb/Default.htm
My Email:muon1183@yahoo.com
Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate fudge
Do I know you?: school

text is hard to read on the guestbook. You might want to change its color slightly :-)

Nelly "Nez" Cung - 04/25/99 17:56:46
My URL:/RainForest/Vines/2977/index.html
My Email:nez77@iname.com
Favorite Ice Cream: As long as there is no chocolate in it....
Do I know you?: No, but I have been watching you...
Smile!: :o)
Thank you: "I would like to thank the Academy for this..."

Nez77's LaboratoryHey, thank you for signing my guestbook, figured I would check out your page and return the favor. Before starting, I like to say that I'm happy that you enjoyed my artwork. :o) In a way, I was a bit surprised that there wasn't a section based on Dragonball, but that is okay, you had one of ailor Moon (Mars is the best scount!). Overall, I liked the format of the page, very easy to navigate with the text linnks below. My only complaint is there are too many images on the "Sci-Fi" section. I DO, however, really liked your choice of music, hey were all very high quality, and sounded great on my soundcard (AWE64).

Julie the Fabulous! - 03/29/99 01:33:19
My Email:CJ Gazette
Favorite Ice Cream: Miracle Whip
Do I know you?: Hmmm...I don't remember
Smile!: :) :) HENRY!!!!
Thank you: No, thank you!!!

Hi Erin! I'm finally on! This is such a cool web page! Wow! How can i make one too? Can you help me?

{Nebula} - 02/28/99 21:58:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/4021
My Email:nebula@erols.com
Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate
Do I know you?: no
Smile!: :)
Thank you: ;)

Great Site! I have truly enjoyed my visit :)

Jenny - 01/30/99 23:05:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5358/
Favorite Ice Cream: Cherry Cheese Cake
Do I know you?: NO!
Smile!: =)
Thank you: ~*WeLcOme*~

HIYA! Come visit our site!

Morgawna - 01/19/99 02:49:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/4535
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Mint
Do I know you?: ?????
Smile!: !!!!!
Thank you: !?!?!?!?!?!

Greetings!! You have a very lovely site here!! I enjoyed exploring it very much!! I would like to thank you very much for the warm welcome to the RDR and for signing my guestbook!! I wish you the best of luck with all of you future updates!!

Rex - 01/14/99 02:22:41
My URL:/Area51/Keep/3810
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: GO TO MY SITE!!!
Do I know you?: same as above
Smile!: its a new one i figured out: ,': > Þ

Hey visit the X-Files website if you dare!!! Hey its a great site, and you get the chance to get a monthy e-letter and ICQ updates. Comin, Comeon. But first go to the index of this page, click Sci-Fi on the GO! bar, then click X-Files when it loads, which brings you to the link TO MY SITE! Yea, babe!!! Rex

Mimi - 01/08/99 14:07:32
My Email:meemster_99@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Pistacchio
Do I know you?: no
Smile!: =0D
Thank you: No problemo

Cool site!

- 01/01/99 21:10:58


Eli - 12/27/98 02:51:38
My URL:http://not.done/yet.html
Favorite Ice Cream: hm...mint chocolate chip
Do I know you?: not really ... or maybe..
Smile!: :P~
Thank you: You're very welcome!

Hey there, Ysabelle! Are you a gamer? Cause you have quite a lot of links to the Gamers Inn, and I was just wondering if I had just roamed into one of the Gamer's pages! If so..well..that's great!

Rex Wilkinson - 12/10/98 04:35:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3810
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: i am so stupid ---> dunno?
Do I know you?: um
Smile!: B - )
Thank you: No

I don't see a link to my page, Erin! We need some X-Philes to help us. Put one on the front and on the sci-fi page. Rex b-w "The Truth is Out There"

Wren Dragon - 12/10/98 02:18:28
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/unreal/15/
My Email:wrendragon@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road!
Do I know you?: Nope! =)
Smile!: =8} (that's a Dragon's grin!)
Thank you: You're welcome!

Greetings from a fellow Rainbow Dragon Ring member! I'm finally visiting some of the newer kingdoms in the Ring, I like your site, but it seems some of the artwork on your fantasy page isn't working, you might want to check that out. God Bless!

Claire Broderick - 12/07/98 00:49:48
My Email:leah98im@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Ben&Jerrys Choc. Chip Cookie Dough
Do I know you?: but of course
Smile!: :)
Thank you: you're welcome

very creative!! How do I do that?

Brandon - 12/06/98 13:46:12
My Email:BranRog@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolete
Do I know you?: NO
Smile!: YES
Thank you: U are Welcome


Anthony - 12/03/98 02:18:58
My Email:hipeoples@juno.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Fantasia (Spumoni)
Do I know you?: I hope so
Smile!: : ))


Petr Cervinka - 11/29/98 17:07:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/4427/
My Email:petrcervinka@geocities.com
Favorite Ice Cream: vanilla
Do I know you?: of course
Smile!: :-)
Thank you: you are welcome

You have a nice site. Thanks so much for signing my guestbook. Have a great day!

Eleanor - 11/18/98 06:32:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Ramp/1226/
Favorite Ice Cream: Dreyers Mint Chip
Do I know you?: NO
Smile!: o]:o)
Thank you: your welcome

Great site, I love the music.

secret soul - 11/17/98 09:51:02
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/h/e/thesecretsoul.html
My Email:phoenix_rebelle@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: nuts!
Do I know you?: no, but mail me and we can begin a friendship...
Smile!: :p
Thank you: you are welcome

nice site!!! and i want to say to you welcome in the rainbow dragon ring!!! hope you gonna enjoy it a lot :))))

Sara - 11/12/98 21:31:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Ysabell
My Email:Ysabell@trust-me.com
Do I know you?: don't think so

Hi Ys! I hope you don't feel bad about me having the same name as you. It's not my real name, I only use it on the net....I've used it for quite a while now....

Rex Wilkinson - 11/11/98 23:51:54
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Hall/7586
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: ummm.. I like cookies 'n' cream
Do I know you?: of course (5th period)
Smile!: ;>
Thank you: Hey, always of service

This page is a hellofa lot better then mine, but I hope you didn't feel wasted when you saw my GeoCounter. I just messed with it. I really like this page and maybe u could put like Steven King on it too. Rex B-W

Jookey - 11/11/98 23:50:05
My Email:jookey@terranova.net
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Do I know you?: Yup
Smile!: =)
Thank you: Thx

Not Bad....Ysabell

Rex Wilkinson - 11/11/98 23:49:28
My URL:http://geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/7586
My Email:xray_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: ummm.. I like cookies 'n' cream
Do I know you?: of course (5th period)
Smile!: ;>


Hunniebee - 11/08/98 02:33:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/7800
My Email:llonoso@tig.com.au
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
Do I know you?: No
Smile!: Huh :)
Thank you: Youre Welcome

cool page

me - 11/04/98 23:49:30
My Email:ysabell@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: ya know
Do I know you?: haha
Smile!: :)
Thank you: welcome

ok- This is simply the owner and creater of this site - checking to see if it works right at the moment- and by the way- you know how it gets so old to write "Have a good summer" in somone's yearbook? Well that's like writing "cool webpage" in a guestbook it's meaningless..... Just urging you to be creative! And discuss what you really liked or didn't like. But even a "cool webpage" submission is better than having people not write, so go ahead,... go ahead, :) Thanks for your time!

Sailor Scorpio - 10/04/98 16:23:44
My Email:Sailor-Scorpio@gurlmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookie Dough
Do you know me?: No, not in person, but yes, online kinda


Great site! I luv it! o payge is TOITE!! Thanx for signing my guestbook, but please can you sign my other guestbook in my other web page? Thanx!
tHe CuTe LiTtLe AsIaNs' WeBpAgE


carolyn - 10/01/98 23:55:16
My Email:kaml4@aol.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Hagen Daz Vanilla!!!!!!
Do you know me?: hiya Erin!!!! (this is CAD)

What a cool web page!!! There is no way that I could make something like this! It is so neat. You'll have to teach me how to do it sometime! Say hi to patra for me! (Oreo says "HI") See ya!---Carolyn :)

Rathe - 09/26/98 20:44:16
My URL:http://members/~lillith_rathe
My Email:dash39@hotmail.com
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
Do you know me?: Yes

Great page! See ya at the GI!

Jookey - 09/07/98 00:17:11
My Email:jookey@terranova.net
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
smile: um.....

Good job.

m.k. - 09/06/98 19:28:06
My Email:mich4@usa.net
Favorite Ice Cream: vanilla
smile: ]:=}

Hey..Shea.....it is m.k. Can't stay long bye!!

:) - 08/30/98 01:35:49
Favorite Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
smile: :)

Cool webpage! I'm in the middle of making one too!

me! - 08/29/98 21:45:53
Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road
smile: :)

As the creator of this webpage I will be the first to sign the guestbook. Hope you liked my page! Serious work will be done on it soon!

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