About Me
~About Me~
I have made this page to tell you about my life. Well, my name is Angela and I have a wonderful hubby whose name is Roger. We both were blessed with 3 wonderful kids who are Joslynn, Talisa and Leon. Joslynn is 11 while Talisa is 7 and Leon is 4 years old. They are such precious little children whom we love and cherished so deeply! I have made the following columns so that you will get to know each and everyone of them more deeply.
Name: Angela
Birthdate: 1st of January 1960
Age: 39
Anniversary Date: 22nd of November
I often play tennis with my friend, Jenny and my brother-in-law every Sunday. I enjoy sewing too! I usually sew curtains, pillow cases and blankets. I enjoy baking cakes, cookies and biscuits too! I can even bake my own bread and buns! Have you ever heard of the sport, badminton? Well, I play badminton with my hubby every Friday nights though I seem to be quite rusty in it! I am also a working mother. I help out my hubby in the office as a Administration and Finance Manager. Often, I go for my aerobic classes. Click
to email me! I am currently sharing my email account with my daughter, Joslynn.
Name: Roger
Birthdate: 19th of February 1956
Age: 42
Anniversary Date: 22nd November
My hubby, Roger and I got maried on 22nd November 1982. Well, Roger is working as a Electrical Engineer. He usually reads the papers in the morning before going to work. Then he does the gardening in the evening and settle to watch TV with the kidsat night. (It's always the same old routine every day except on the weekends.) Usually on weekends, we bring the children out to hotels, restaurants, parks to enjoy! Click
to email him.
Name: Joslynn
Birthdate: 24th of December 1986
Age: 11
My eldest daughter, Joslynn is 11 years old. She has a dog which is a shihtzu. (Shihtzus are a certain kind of dog) She named her dog Trixie. Well, Trixie is a female. Trixie came into our house on May 17 1998. Trixie is brownish black and white. Now let's skip the dog for a moment and get back to Joslynn! Well, Joslynn is currently studying in a Primary School. She oftens get hooked on the Internet. She is a very talkative and intelligent girl. Her hobbies are reading, surfing the Internet, hanging on the phone for hours, spending her time in the mall and many more! You could say she has a lot of freedom! Click
to email here and click
to visit her homepage.
Name: Talisa
Birthdate: 18th of October 1990
Age: 7
My second child and daughter is Talisa. She is 7 years old and she's also studying in the same primary school as Joslynn. Talisa's hobbies are way differant than Joslynn's. She loves watching TV and playing in the playground. She has never like reading. While Joslynn's shelves are all covered with books from head to toe, Talisa's one is plain empty only a few books here and there passed down from Joslynn. You could say she's sometimes rather untidy but definitely a happy-go-lucky girl who always have a smile on her face. She is sometimes not very confident and tends to stay in one corner of the room! Click
to email her and click
to visit her homepage.
Name: Leon
Birthdate: 5th of May 1994
Age: 4
My third child and most likely the last one is Leon. Leon is 4 years old. He is the only baby and the only baby boy in our family! He is very energetic, playful and mischevious. He is currently studying in a kindergarden located just behind our house. For his age, he is a rather slow-learner but he seems to be picking up quite fast now. He is quite clumsy too. He like cats but I do not really approve on cats. He often play with his toys together with his sister, Talisa.
Well, I guess that's all about my family! See you some other time.
~Email Me~
If you have anything that you would like to ask or say, you can email me by clicking the mail icon below! You can drop me a line anytime at all!
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