I am a 6 year-old who likes to go to Sonic and going to Auntie A's.
For fun I like to go to the park and play with friends.

My Favorites:

TV Show:  Avatar
Movie:  Superman Returns
Game:  Checkers
Toy:  Superman
Food:  Chicken
Color:  Red
Thing to do:  Spend time with God.
My best friends are:  Jackson, Thomas, John-Mark, Laney & Bubba.

October 21, 2001: Well my 9 month old has quickly become an eleven month old, I can't believe that next month he will be a year old. Time just flys. He has started walking and you know how cute that is. He is such a sweet boy. Wherever we go someone comments on his beautiful blue eyes. I have to admit they are smashing!! He hasn't had anymore check-ups since I was last udating but I can tell you he has gotten tall for sure. He seems so much more like a " big boy". We did get some new photos in which you can see just how big and beautifu he is for yourself. Check them out.

August 23, 2001:Preston will be 9 months old tomorrow and I can hardly believe it. Time goes by too quickly! He is getting so big now. He started crawling three weeks ago and hasn't stopped since. His first word was mommy but has already added many more. My favorites are Uh, oh! when he drops something and Bye,bye! while waving goodbye. He is already a little stinker. We had to purchase cabinet locks and a gate to keep him out of things. He is a very sweet baby and always has a smile on his face. Everyone first said he looked like mommy but now we get that he looks like his big brother. Guess you never know! He goes for his 9month check-up next week and I will update then on his weight and height. One thing I've learned with children is that everyday they change, grow, and learn new things. The trick is to try and keep up with them!

9 month check-up:
Height 28.5inches
Weight 20lbs. 14oz.
The doctor says I'm very healthy. Getting bigger everyday! I can crawl all over and pull myself up to furniture. Mommy says I will probablly be walking soon. That will be fun! I like playing with my big brother but sometimes he takes my toys away. My sissy likes taking care of me, she holds me like a baby doll. I got a new tooth yesterday, now I have three. Hope you come back to visit me. Before you know it I will be one!

Slick! I'm gonna getcha!
GO! GO! GO! You can't get me!
He's got it now! Cuttin a rug
Halloween 2001 RRRRRAR
Little lion First steps
crawlin Huh?
Yummy Campout 2001
First morning at home Riding home from hospital

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