
MELISSA~ wife of Marty, mom of three, that's ME!

December 2006: What a great time of year~ the Holidays! Getting the chance to look back over the past year I know it has been full of blessings for sure! I just finished up my last final yesterday~ hooray, my baby started kindergarten in August, and my baby girl started middle school! That's even a little scary to just say out loud :) I could never have imagained my life being so full and exciting by the time I was thirty-something! My number one priorty continues to be my family of course after Christ, but the time goes by way to quickly. It doesn't seem like yesterday I was putting Lexi in kindergarten and had a baby on the way! Enjoy each moment and don't take anything for granted~ that's my motto! Hope you enjoy our site! God bless, Melissa

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My boys All dressed UP!
Summer Nights Mom & Daughter

Camel ride - Mommy and Lexi Smokey Mountains 2000 Sweet cheeks
* Motherhood:

2006~WOW, how motherhood has changed for me! I read the words from 2001 that was like last week right or so it seems and I realize how quickly the time rushes quickly by. Although, I'm still home five years later my role as mom has had to adapt to new aspects of our lives. I started back to school a year ago and that has benn a journey in itself~ I've really had the chance to do something for ME not the mom me! But being a mom is still the most rewarding aspect of my life, the opportunity to be here when my baby gets off the bus from kindergarten. He hurrys to tell me his adventures from the day and then we settle in for lunch and his favorite cartoon time. Doing carpool with neighbors and friends to transport the kids from this school and that is a blessing in itself. You really feel like you have a community to help you make it from day to day tasks. Caleb hardly ever forgets to give me a kiss as soon as he walks in the door~ I hope that lasts forever. Lexi, well from the moment she steps in the van until we make into the garage she is filling me in on the scoop at school! Her energy is so refreshing, she reminds me almost daily how great it was to be a young girl~ boys, teachers, friends... I know that these times will rush by quickly too so everyday I pray to remember and cherish the small things~ kisses, hugs,laughs, thank yous, tying shoes, checking homework, carpooling, bandaids, cuddly boys, giggle girls, polishing nails, straightening hair, orthodonist appointments,sports, piano, reading logs, chores, and even whining and tattle tailing :) It won't be long and I know I will wish I was right here again!

2001~I'll start by saying I absolutely love being home with my three children. How often do you get to watch a baby giggle for the first time, a toddler sing his ABC's, and a first grader learn to read!! How amazing!! I do relize I am very blessed to have the option to stay at home. My husband is very supportive and he believes, as I do, this is an important decision in raising our children. Every day is an unique opportunity to watch my children grow and learn. I will be the first to admit it's not always easy. There are often days I wonder if I am doing enough or teaching the right things. I am always reassured that I am doing what Christ has called me to do. I also have a wonderful support system that includes my best friend and sister,April, and a great friend here in my home town,Kim. They have also chose to be stay at home moms. Having supportive friends to talk and share with is so great. Don't get me wrong I want something of my own. I look forward to the time I will continue my own education and return to the "working world". As for now I choose for my children to be my number one priority. I hope to nurture them and help prepare them for life. It brings such a fullfillment to me, something that I could not recieve from any other source. I thank God daily for my beautiful children and the opportunity he has given me to be a Christ-like influence. I encourage any mother, not just stay at home moms, to always reflect Christ in everything you do. I have learned one very important thing, that children always see our actions more than hearing our words! It is amazing how we influence our children every day. God bless you on your parenting journey. May you also find the fulfillment and joy that I have so graciously been given.


* Friends:
2006: How could we survive without great friends? From the beginnings of a new (small) gap group 5 years ago to now being the leader of that group it has been a joy to share life with great women. And the awesome, life-changing experience of helping to start a new MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group in our church will forever be a part of who I am. Great, amazing women God has so delicately placed in my life, I am forever grateful for the encouragement and support I find in my life-long friends! Theres nothing that can replace a sympathetic ear, a warm hug, or the tears of someone who really loves you~ I pray that everyone I know gets the chance to experience the love of a real friend. Visit www.mops.org for a MOPS group near you!

2001: I have a wonderful, supportive group of women at my home church, my gap group. It has been a way to reach out and enjoy other friendships. We have a total of twelve women in our group ranging in ages. My gap group leader is a sweet lady with lots of love and strength. We get together twice a month to socialize and learn about God and what he has in store for our lives. We also visit a nursing home. I truly enjoy the time we spend there, making friends with some of the elderly women. It feels nice to get a big hello and "thats my girl" from someone who appreciates a friend. I feel a special kind of joy and fulfillment every time we go. I thank God often for the friends and support I've found through this group of wonderful ladies.


* Books:

NEW: If your looking to find yourself, maybe delve into all those desires we all once had as a young girl a must read is: Captivating~Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John & Stasi Eldredge

A great read: In 1997 I picked up a book at the local library "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. I havn't been able to find another writer like him, yet. He tells stories in such a way that makes you feel every emotion the characters do. I always find myself crying, laughing, and even getting a little angry everytime I read one of his books. He always tells stories of love and relationships, what could be better? If you want to get back into reading, pick up one of his books and you won't be able to put it down.

More Books/Authors:
Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman
Song of Solomon by Tommy Nelson
Approval Addiction by Joyce Meyer
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Petterson
God's Armour Bearer by Terry Nance


* My Pregnancy
Marty and I were quite amazed to find out I was pregnant back in April 2000. I had baby fever for quite sometime, but Marty was a little more nervous about the idea. When we found out, everything changed. I came into the living room and showed Marty the test, he just kept saying "no way!" When reality set in, a while later, we were all extatic.

First Trimester: Throughout the first trimester I stayed pretty sick the whole time and very tired. I lost a few pounds which kind of felt nice. Since the baby was so healthy and strong I was glad to see a few pounds go before I started gaining.

Second Trimester: Once the second trimester came I was relieved to have lots more energy and a lot less sickness. We had our sonogram during the fifth month and of course we decided not to find out the sex. It's just too much fun not knowing!

Third Trimester: My belly started getting quite big at this point. The baby was constantly moving around and getting around was a lot more difficult. I was feeling very tired again, but that was a sign we didn't have too much longer. Yeah!

Labor & Delivery: Well we made it through, Hooray!! On Nov. 24th I got a beautiful baby boy, Preston Blake. He weighed 7lbs, 12.5oz and was 21 inches long. It was a really good labor and delivery and of course we were extactic he was finally here. I am enjoying having another little one. I am a nursing mother so I am enjoying that aspect of a new baby very much.


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