
I am a very good artist who likes to play video games & play with my brother.
My Favorites:
TV Show: Avatar
Movie: King Kong
Game: Clue
Book: Avatar 2
Food: Pizza
Sports: Baseball
Thing to do: Play with friends.
My best friends are: Thomas, John-Mark, Jacob, & Preston
HI! My name is Caleb, but my sissy calls me bubby. I like playing with her, even though she's a
little bossy.
I have a baby brother named Preston, he is fun. I like to play with him but smetimes I
take toys away. Mommy doesnt like that! I like it when mommy
reads to me and we play games. My favorite is Elmo's Lunchbox, a memory game.
Most of all I love playing dinosaurs and animals with Daddy! I got to go to the zoo for my
third birthday. It was so much fun. I like the lions the best.
I can spell my name!!
Mommy says I'm very smart. Hope you like my webpage and come
back soon!!

Precious angel! In this picture I'm 19 months old! Daddy and mommy say
I'm their sweet angel and I guess in this picture I would agree!
NEW PHOTOS(October 31, 2001):Here are some new photos to check out. You can see what
I've been up to lately. Hope you like them!
Ride em, cowboy!
Little Scarecrow-Halloween 2001
Play it!
Birthday train ride
Big Boy and Caleb-Cousins
Camel ride with my cuz
Sweet boy
Here we go!
Halloween 2000
Easter 2000-Snazzy!
Ready for my closeup
Little Fireman-2000
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