Michelle - 01/25/00 17:25:34
My URL:http://michellepoet.tripod.com
My Email:Michellepoet@yahoo.com
Favorite thing to do: play with my dog
You have a very beautiful web page. To see a whole family unite in a positive and open way is so wonderful to see. Please keep up with your amibitions. You are quite a talented young la

Caroline - 11/04/99 22:18:32
My URL:/Tokyo/Teahouse/5555/
My Email:caroline@ma3.justnet.ne.jp
Favorite thing to do: read books
Nice page you have here. Your graphics are pretty.

Kayla A. - 09/23/99 05:00:23
My Email:fubu_u@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do: cheerleading =)
Cute, I was just checking stuff out and ran across ur page...

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 03:50:01
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 23:24:30
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 04:34:23
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/13/99 10:33:15
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 14:09:02

Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes Glück!.

Neebear - 02/22/99 22:21:05
My Email:neebear@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do: Beat you up!!!!!
Hey sis!! Nice page! I like the music. Just thought I'd come by to see the page. Bye!!!! Love, Stephanie:)

pat gregory - 01/01/99 01:59:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/2257/
My Email:pgregory76@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do: watching wrangler butts
hi little buddy glad you came to supper...... Grannys buddy Pat

Richard Parks - 01/01/99 01:55:01
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/7005/
My Email:rparks@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do: chase girls
Keep kicking Kayla.Your friend Richard Parks

Micola - 12/28/98 22:13:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com//wellesley/gazebo/5773
My Email:nicole69smith@netscape.net
Favorite thing to do: play with my dog shadow, friends,computers and chatting
Kayla, pretty cool page. I like it alot. Keep it up! I'm just starting my page.take a look if you like.

Jamie Gleason - 12/08/98 19:54:13
My Email:jamiegleason@hotmail.com
You have a nice homepage thanks for sharing it with me

jimmy - 12/07/98 23:30:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Palace/2066/index.html
My Email:jimmykid@geocities.com
Favorite thing to do: play sports&eat pizza
Hi Sis!Your my favorite sister!HUGS!I LOVE YOU!LOVE BUB! BYE!BYE!

mitchelle - 11/23/98 18:30:40
Favorite thing to do: TALK !!!!
Kayla, You are my BEST friend,your also "THE BOMB" so stay that way!

Dumpling - 09/16/98 00:55:26
Favorite thing to do: chase boys
Hi Kayla! I liked your page. Do you like chaseing boys? I do! See you later alligator.

Kemii - 09/14/98 18:02:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7016
My Email:kemii@texomaonline.com
Favorite thing to do: Play on my computer & harass your grandma
Hey Kayla. *HUG* Great page. You need to give grandma a great big smooch for doing it for you and me for teaching her how to do it *LOL*. Love ya......Mom

Coppertop - 09/14/98 10:11:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7005
My Email:wcassidy@texomaonline.com
Favorite thing to do: webb pages
Hope you like your page!Love ya kid.Your Grandma

snickers - 09/12/98 23:49:52
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3204/
My Email:snickers@texomaonline.com
Favorite thing to do: chat with friends
Very good job Kayla Keep up the good work

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