Pedo mellon a minno.

(speak , friend , and enter)

This is Polgara , my gaurdian.

**NOTE : I will probably be updating this page often so keep coming back**


Three rings for the elven kings under the sky
Seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone
Nine for mortal men doomed to die
One for the dark lord on his dark throne
In Mordor where the shadows lie
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In Mordor where the shadows lie

The Tale of Luthien Tinuviel & Beren

The leaves were long , the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadows shimmering.
Tinuviel was dancing there
To music of a pipe unseen,
And light of stars was in her hair,
And in her raiment glimmering.

There Beren came from mountains cold,
And lost he wandered under leaves,
And where the Elven-river rolled.
He walked alone and sorrowing.
He peered between the hemlock-leaves
And saw in wonder flowers of gold
Upon her mantel and her sleeves,
And her hair like shadow following.

Enchantment healed his weary feet
That over hills were doomed to roam;
And forth he hastened , strong and fleet,
And grasped at moonbeams glistening.
Through woven woods in Elvenhome
She lightly fled on dancing feet,
And left him lonely still to roam
In the silent forest listening.

He heard there oft the flying sound
Of feet as light as linden-leaves,
Or music welling underground,
In hidden hollow quavering.
Now withered lay the hemlock-leaves,
And one by one with sighing sound
Whispering fell the beechen leaves
In the wintry woodland wavering.

He sought her ever , wandering far
Where leaves of years were thickly strewn,
By light of moon and ray of star
In frosty heavens shivering.
Here mantel glinted in the moon,
As on a hill-top high and far
She danced and at her feet was strewn
A mist of silver quivering.

When winter passed he came again,
And her song released the sudden spring,
Like rising lark and falling rain,
And melting water bubbling.
He saw the elven-flowers spring
About her feet , and healed again
He longed , by her to dance and sing
Upon the grass untroubling.

Again she fled but swift he came.
Tinuviel! Tinuviel!
He called her by her elvish name;
And there she halted listening.
One moment stood she , and a spell
His voice laid on her ; Beren came,
And doom fell on Tinuviel
That in his arms lay glistening.

As Beren looked into her eyes,
Within the shadows of her hair,
The trembling starlight of the skies
He saw there mirrored shimmering.
Tinuviel the elven-fair,
Immortal maiden elven-wise,
About him cast her shadowy hair
And arms like silver glimmering.

Long was the way that fate them bore,
O're stoney mountains cold and grey,
Through halls of iron and darkling door,
And woods of nightshade morrowless.
The Sundering Seas before them lay,
And yet at last they met once more,
And long ago they passed away
In the forest singing sorrowless.

Elven Poem

O Elbereth , Gilthoniel
o menel palan-diriel
le nallon si di-ngruruthos!
A tiro nin , Faniuilos

Tanslation :

O Elbereth , Starkindler
from heaven gazing afar
to thee I cry now in the shadow of death
O look twords me Everwhite!

Dwarves' Song

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away 'ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep , where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought , and light they caught
To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars , on crowns they hung
The dragon fire , in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away 'ere break of day
To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves
And harps of gold ; where no man delves
There lay they long , and many a song
Was sung unheard by men or elves.

The pine were roaring in the height,
The winds were moaning in the night.
The fire was red , it flaming spread;
The tree's like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale
The men looked up with faces pale;
The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon;
The dwarves , they heard the clamp of doom.
They fled their hall to dying fall
Beneath his feet , beaneath the moon.

Far over the misty mountains grim
To dungeons deep and caverns dim
We must away 'ere break of day
To win our harps and gold from him

Goblins' Song

Fifteen birds in five fir trees,
Their feathers were fanned in the fiery breeze!
But , funny little birds , they have no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
Roast 'em alive , or stew them in a pot;
fry them , and boil them and eat them hot?

"Then they stopped and shouted out : `Fly away little birds! Fly away if you can! Come down little birds , or you will get roasted in your nests! Sing , sing little birds! Why don't you sing?`
`Go away! Little boys!` shouted Gandalf in answer.`It isn't bird nesting time! Also naughty little boys who play with fire get punished.` He said it to make them angry and to show them that he was not frightened of them-though of course he was , wizard though he was. But they took no notice , and they went on singing."

Burn , burn tree and fern!
Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch
To light the night for our delight,

Bake and toast 'em , fry and roast 'em!
till beards blaze , and eyes glaze;
till hair smells and skins crack,
fat melts and bones black
In cinders lie beneath the sky!
So dwarves shall die,
and light the night for our delight!


It Might be Your Last
By: Larry Norman

It's no good to lie in bed at night and worry about the past
About how you coulda done things differently
But they just happen way too fast
Go on close your eyes , fall asleep
And let the angels guide your dreams
Let that pain unwind behind you
And float away on silent streams

You must live your life the best you can
Though you sometimes do your worst
And learn to laugh when you fail , it's not the end of the world
Life's a play you can't reverse
Don't make big plans for tommorrow
You can't control what lies ahead
You must try to live each moment as it comes instead

There's no use dreaming of the perfect future
Or regretting a troubled past
It's only today that counts
Live it like it might be your last

It never helps to worry , it never hurts to pray
Tommorrow will come soon enough , try to take care of today
Just relax trust your life to God , the future's in his hands
And only faith will help you face your life's demands

It's only today that counts
And this might be your last
It's only today that counts
Live it like it might be your last

Baby's Prayer
By: Kathy Trocoli

I can hear her talking with a friend
I think it's all about me
Oh how she can't have a baby now
My mommy doesn't see
That I feel her breath , I know her voice
Her blood , it flows through my heart
God , you know my greatest wish is that
We never be apart

But if I should die before I wake
I pray her soul you'll keep
Forgive her Lord
She doesn't know that you gave life to me

Do I really have to say goodbye? I don't want this time to be through
O please tell her that I love her , Lord
And that you love her too

On the days when she may think of me
Please comfort her with the truth
That the angels hold me safe and sound
'Cause I'm in heaven with you
I'm in heaven with you

Garden of the Heart
(author unknown)

Within my heart a garden grows
Wild with violets and fragrent rose
Bright daffodils line the narrow path
My footsteps silent as I pass
Sweet tulips knod their heads in rest
I kneel in prayer to seek God's best

For 'round my garden a fence stands firm
To gaurd my heart so that I can learn
Who should enter and who should wait
On the other side of my locked gate
I clasp the key around my neck
And wonder if the time is yet

If I unlocked the gate today
Would you come in , or run away?

Nobody Knows
(author unknown)

Nobody knows what it's like to be alone
Odd man out , by myself , on my own
Noby knows what it's like to be afraid
Without friends , without hope day after day

The more that I reach out to touch you
The more that you push me away
I desperatly need to hear someone
Tell me that I'm ok

Nobody knows when I cry myself to sleep
In the dark noone hears not a peep
Is there a place I can go where I'll fit in
To be liked , to be loved , to have friends

My voice is a stonewall of silence
My words fall unheard to the floor
I've hurt so much my heart is breaking
I don't want to hurt anymore

Nobody know what it's like to be alone
Odd man out , by myself , on my own
Nobody knows what it's like to be afraid
Without friends , without hope day after day
Is there someone who can love enough to see
To accept who I am
I'm just me


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