Disney's 28th animated film, released in theaters on November 17,1989.
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Arial, the 16 year old mermaid who hates to be bossed around. She's fascinated with humans, and even falls in love with one. So she can be with him she makes a deal with the sea witch to become a human.
Ursala the evil sea witch who tricks Arial into becoming human for 3 days, but during the 3 days she must kiss the prince, a true love kiss. The price Arial payed was her voice.
Princes Eric is the love interest. After Arial saves his life and he hears her singing he is determined to find her a marry her. Which in the end he does.
Flounder(fish)and Sebastion(crab) are Arial's side kicks.
Max is Eric's hyper dog.
Little Mermaid Ring site's webmaster is Devin.
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