Hercules, Disney's 34th full length animated film.
Hercules, the hero of this story, is a good hearted boy growing up in ancient Greece. He was born a god, but made mortal when still a baby, Herc has incredible strenth. He finds out he's a god and goes on a mission to become a true "hero" so he can rejoin his parents on Mount Oylimpus.
Megara, "my friends call me Meg, at least they would if I had any", the heroin and Hercules love interest. Meg doesn't have a pretty past, selling her soul to Hades, (the God of the under world), to save her boyfriends life. So now its her job to find Herc's weakness.
Hades, the god of the under world has an evil plan to kill baby herc and take over mount olympus where all the other gods live.
Pain(purple) and Panic(blue) are Hades side kicks who are sent to kill baby hercules but they only turn him mortal.
Phil, the he-goat, is the trainer of the gods that Zeus sent herc to. He's also like a mentor to Hercules.
The Muses are the Godesses of the arts. They sing the story of Hercules, so you could consider them the narroraters.

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