This Page Belongs to Lior

Hi. This is where you write about yourself. If you want, you can change the picture  to the left and replace it with your own picture. It can be a photo or your own drawing or anything you want. You can choose pictures  from the template images too.

You can also replace or change the size of anything else on this page, with the magic of Pagebuilder!

Tell people what your page is about! Welcome visitors. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

My birthday is (Month day, year). (Get me toys!)

List your favorite links here. For example:

The Book Hive
My Pet

This is where you write about things you like to do. Or write about things you like. For example: I like throwing tea parties, climbing trees, jumping rope, riding my bicycle, and playing with my dog. I also like playing the flute. My favorite subjects are math and art. I like Yahoo-ing at Yahooligans, and I like going to see movies too.

What's your favorite toon? Mine is the Powerpuff Girls.

I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl. It was great! I love chocolate.

My favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss, because it taught me to try new things.

Right now my favorite color is green.

I love my mom, dad, sister and brother. My brother, Ted,  is my role model. He's really smart. My best friend is Katherine. She's lots of fun. I also love my dog, even if he isn't a person. He's the cutest.

When I grow up, I want to be an artist for Yahoo! That would be fun.