These are the Skclub principles supported by the Skclub managers and many (not all) of the membership. We, most of us, at Skclub support these causes.

No. 1 - All people under the age of 18 are human beings.

No. 2 - All human beings are equal.

No. 3 - All human beings are entitled to human rights.

No. 4 - Human rights include the right to be safe, the right to be free from abuse and the fear of abuse, the right to be treated with dignity, respect, and humane treatment.

No. 5 - All people have the right to be free, to be who they want to be, to choose the life they want, to make decisions for themselves.

No. 6 - No one under the age of 18 should be treated in a cruel degrading way.

No. 7 - We oppose all corporal punishment. Other exploited groups have won the freedom from corporal punishment. Women, sailors, prison inmates, slaves, apprectices have won this right. It is even illegal to hit animals with a stick. It is time to give this freedom to the last and worst exploited group, those under the age of 18.

No. 8 - The right to vote must be given to those under the age of 18. If someone can read and write, they should be allowed to vote. If adults in India who are illiterate are allowed to vote, then it is time to give the vote to us.

No. 9 - Everyone under the age of 18 must be given the right to sign contracts and handle important parts of their own lives.

No. 10 - Laws need to be changed so that people under 18 can buy and own and use cigarettes, alcohol, and pornography. These laws are degrading.

No. 11 - Laws on "child custody" need to be changed. A "child" must be given the right to decide where and how and with whom he or she will live.

No. 12 - Laws on "child custody" are very wrong and evil. They give authority to the parents. This authority must be taken away. It is abused too often. All under age 18 must be set free from these chains.

No. 13 - There are laws which set minimum ages for certain elected offices. These laws must be changed. They are just as evil as laws which used to forbid women or nonwhite people from holding office.

No. 14 - No one should be forced to practice a religion he or she does not want to practice. Parents need to be restricted in how much religious exposure they can give to their sons and daughters.

No. 15 - Parents do not own their sons and daughters. If their sons and daughters want to leave them, they should have that right.

No. 16 - The administration and operation of all public and private schools needs to be changed. Administration needs to be given to an elected body of students. All staff members need to be elected by the students they are hired to work for.

These principles are supported by the managers and many (not all) of the members.

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