Some of these ideas might be for you. Others might not. Read these. If you find something you think might help, great!

No. 1 - Refuse to be spanked. Tell them you will not take a spanking.

No. 2 - Make them choose. Either they have you, their kid, and they don't spank, OR, they can choose to give you away. They won't give you away.

No. 3 - Don't let them overpower you. Run from them. Stay outside. Tell them that you won't come in until they promise not to spank you.

No. 4 - You have the right to defend yourself! If they grab you, bite them hard! Punch. Kick. Scratch. Scream. Yell, "HELP!" Remember, no one has the right to spank anyone. Criminals are not spanked. Why should kids be treated worse than criminals.

No. 5 - Get and read books by A.S. Neill. He wrote why spanking is bad. Parents who spank are making a big mistake. Spanking is a sign of poor parenting skills.

No. 6 - Don't back down! Don't let them scare you or bully you! They are wrong! You have RIGHT on your side! FIGHT for what's right!

No. 7 - Never EVER feel guilty. Parents bully kids when they try and make kids feel guilty.

No. 8 - Remember, you have the RIGHT to be treated with RESPECT. A kid is not a dog to be kicked around. You ARE a HUMAN BEING! REFUSE to be treated badly.

No. 9 - INSIST and DEMAND that your parents attend parenting classes. INSIST and DEMAND that they read A.S. Neill's books.

No. 10 - Kids learn by thinking. Spanking only teaches fear and creates hate. If you do something wrong, say you are sorry and say you will try better in the future. Understand the reasons for rules. Tell your parents that they should teach with kindness, not with cruelty and brutality.

No. 11 - Parents are wrong to try and force their bad ideas on their kids. Kids have the right to make choices. If a kid wants to smoke, it is HIS choice. Not his parents! If a kid wants to drink, it is HIS choice. Not his parents! If a kid wants to read pornography, it is HIS choice. Not his parents! If a kid does not want to go to church, it is HIS choice. Not his parents!

No. 12 - Kids have the right to choose how they wear their hair, long, short or whatever. Kids have the right to wear the kinds of clothes they want to wear. It is THEIR choice.

No. 13 - Don't be afraid to call the police or the child welfare office. They are there to help you. If your parents insist on abusing you, you have the right to ask for help.

No. 14 - Refuse to accept your parents as people who have authority over you. In good homes, all are equal. Parents are supposed to be there as allies, not slavemasters. Tell them to stop acting as slavemasters!

No. 15 - Your parents DO NOT OWN you! You are separate from them. Your body is yours. No one has a right to hit your body. Your mind is your own. Your parents have no right to tell you what to think. Think for yourself!

No. 16 - Your parents are making trouble for themselves by spanking you. Click this link to see what a lawyer says about spanking. Many parents get in trouble with the law and police for spanking their kids. The link is:


These ideas and suggestions are from Kevin Thorgenzirsen.

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