This site is dedicated to my granddaughter Kesa Anne Shaposka

December 19th, 1997 to December 31st 2000
Kesa Anne was born with Alobar Holoprosencephaly & Microcephaly

Please don't forget to sign Kesa's guestbook!

Pictures Made with Microsoft Picture It!


A meeting was held quite far from earth
"Its time again for another birth"
Said the Angels to the Lord above
"This special child will need much love
Her progress may seem slow
Accomplishments she may not show
And she'll require extra care
From folks she meets way down there"

"She may not run, laugh or play
Her thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways she won't adapt
And she'll be known as handicapped"

"So let's be careful where she's sent
We want her life to be content
Please Lord find the parents who
Will do this special job for you"

"They will not realize it right away
The special role they're asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes a richer much stronger love"

"Soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from heaven
Their precious gift meek and mild
She is Heavens Special Child"
Author Unknown

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Kesa Anne

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Last update December 31st, 2006