Welcome to my Guestbook!

chris - 07/19/00 23:52:32
My Email:elaremate@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: syd, aus
What possesed you to come here?: fate
Got any cute brothers?: no, he's ugly like me

does the word 'vanity' mean anything to you?

Tamra - 03/23/00 03:47:18
My URL:/vampirefreak_1983/MoonsandStarsForever.html
My Email:tjhill@tusco.net
Where are you from?: Ohio
What possesed you to come here?: Saw your link on Heather's page
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: pepporoni

Hey, cool site!!! Come visit mine and be sure to sign my guestbook and/or slambook.

Sara - 02/11/00 22:09:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/4265/
My Email:violetplatinum@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: NY
What possesed you to come here?: you're heather's friend
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: sauce, cheese (lite tho, i hate all that rubbery cheese), pepperoni and jalopeno peppers
Do you have any fave quotes?: I dont think there is space for my fav quote here, but its on my website
What's your fave type of music?: industrial/synth metal...like orgy, nin, videodrone,...and then stuff like INXS, Michael Jackson, Jordan Knight...i have strange tastes
Got any cute brothers?: no sorry, do you?

Cute site. U must be a cool chika if heather likes u HAHA

Amanda - 01/13/00 21:54:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/amandag/index.html
My Email:MandieGpc@aol.com
Where are you from?: CT
What possesed you to come here?: I was checking out pages from Canda because my boyfriend is French-Canadian and we go to Canada a lot
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: mushroom
Do you have any fave quotes?: Everyone is beautiful but most of us are blind
What's your fave type of music?: All types
Got any cute brothers?: yes, he's 20 years old

Nice page. Come visit mine sometime.

David Keogh(Squire) - 01/11/00 19:38:45
My URL:http://donthaveawebpage.com
My Email:foggy2k@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: DUBLIN , IRELAND!!!!!
What possesed you to come here?: Just surfed in
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Pepperoni
Do you have any fave quotes?: "I'm not vain,I'm just gorgeous" -me
What's your fave type of music?: Indie BritRock
Got any cute brothers?: No, just me ,lol!!

Hey Laura nice page U sound really cute so mail me K "Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein"(Irish Proverb) Thanx Again Seeya

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 03:39:31
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 23:14:40
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 04:27:04
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/13/99 10:06:11
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Keri D - 08/12/99 05:29:53
My Email:babyangel2@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Kansas City, KS
What possesed you to come here?: surfed on
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: pepperoni and extra cheese
What's your fave type of music?: r&b
Got any cute brothers?: i have 2 brothers but i don't know about cute

Hey. Very cool page. Keep up the fantastic work/

Jim - 07/28/99 11:53:18
My Email:wendy.wright@sympatico.ca
Where are you from?: Port Lambton Ontario
What possesed you to come here?: nobody, just surfed on in
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: almost everthing except anchovies
What's your fave type of music?: soft rock, country, dance mix
Got any cute brothers?: 1 brother which is 15

Hey Laura, I like you homepage. It has snazzy art and it's the best that I've seen so far. Keep up the great work.

Heather (yes it's me but I just had to sing your book again!!) - 07/05/99 02:00:10
My URL:There are enough links to me on your site!
My Email:Starlee99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: the moon
What possesed you to come here?: I am already possesed
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Depends on what mood I'm in. Omigod remember when I was over for new years and we tried to get like a zillion toppings!?
Do you have any fave quotes?: You know 'em!
What's your fave type of music?: Pop/R&B
Got any cute brothers?: Nope! I'm sure if I did he'd be ugly anyways!

LAURA!!! I miss you! I just had to check out your site again.. I forgot about some of those quotes.. lmao. I'm gonna try gettin some more cool stuff up here to surprise you:) I'm just kinda fallin asleep over here.. I know this is boring! I think its the uppy - I'm so overworked! Ugh.. I def don't want kids!!! lol I wanna come over. Wasn't that so cool how we used to live like right beside each other. When we move out we should get houses like that again! (if we can afford it!) Or dorm up. Well... I think I'm gonna go have a bowl of junk food now! (ohmygod I typed that "hunk food" at first!) Byebye Laulau! Say hi to your mommy and daddy for me! Oh and the pets too! Take care!!!!!!!! (whoa I hope all this fits lol)

Ashley - 04/24/99 15:53:54
My Email:jump22@aol.com
Where are you from?: London, Ontario
What possesed you to come here?: ....................
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Mushrooms and pepperoni
Do you have any fave quotes?: not that I can think of
What's your fave type of music?: Pop, R&B, some alternative
Got any cute brothers?: Laura, do you think my brother's cute?!

Hey Laura, I like your page! It's really funny. You need to put pictures of your horses up soon. You should put the pic of me and you from the Championships up too. Also the pictures from Collingwood were funny. If you don't have any of them I'll send the doubles to you ok? Say hi to the horses for me!

Heather - 04/21/99 19:58:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/3117/
My Email:Starlee99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Oakville, Canada
What possesed you to come here?: There wuz a sign outside "Free food here" So you know :P
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Hot peppers, pepperoni, extra cheese, possibly otherz
Do you have any fave quotes?: That big huge Trevor Hurst thingy. Please don't ask me to type it all out here hehehe
What's your fave type of music?: Pop/R&B
Got any cute brothers?: Nope.

Hi Laur!! I just felt like comin in again and signin your lovely book. Aren't we cool? Haha ppl must think we're tooo conceited! Oh well! We rock! Oops there I go again tee-hee. We gotta take lots of pics of us later! Ahh stopit, Heath. I need help!

Sheena - 02/09/99 02:02:38
My Email:sunny_2@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: New Haven, Conecticut
What possesed you to come here?: Just surfed by it!
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Um, green peppers
Do you have any fave quotes?: ^*Writers block*^
What's your fave type of music?: Pop, hip hop, R&B
Got any cute brothers?: heh...

Hi Laura. I really like your page! I just surfed on to it but it's really cool. I hope you add to it soon...See ya :)

Heather - 08/20/98 03:05:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5532/
My Email:Starlee@netscape.net
Where are you from?: Ontario Canada! The safest place on earth:)
What possesed you to come here?: Checking to see wut a great job we did with yer site hehe
What is your favourite toppings 4 pizza?: Umm... hot peppers!
Do you have any fave quotes?: "Consciousness expresses itself through creation"-MJ
What's your fave type of music?: Pop/R&B
Got any cute brothers?: Only child!

I LUV yer page!! (of course, I made it!) And we'll add lots more soon woohoo.. hee:)

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