Hey you guyz! Thanx 4 visiting my page:) Here you can learn more about me, ummmmm and lots of other stuff.
I've decided to write up a little intro... Starting with ME, of course. Aren't I wonderful?! You sure lucked out to have such a great gal in this world! Hey no need to thank me--it's my pleasure to bring magic into the universe. Wherever I walk, roses bloom! Anyway, I think it all started when I wuz born, and suddenly the world seemed a bit brighter... LoL.
Anyway, back to reality (you know, where I don't think of myself as this total Goddess:) Well I'm 15 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have dark hair (yep, I'm a bottle blonde!) brown eyes and I'm approximately 5`5. I LUV sports, especially horseback riding. To learn more about me in depth, you just hafta stick around and take a looky at my page:)(Oh and be sure to bookmark it, cuz I'll always be updating and adding more things to intrigue your interests as well:) Don't hesitate to e-mail me whether it's to tell me you like my page, changes I can make (I'm open to ideas if u have 'em) or just to say "Hi". Oh and damnit, sign my guestbook b4 you take off!:)
Well have fun and pleez come back and visit me soon!
Learn more about me Updated April 16
Heather & Laura's Page Of Quotes
My Cutie! New April 17
Check out my Crush! New April 21
Write me here!: guccigurl16@hotmail.com
Since August 20, 1998
This page was created by Heather Kirshin Starlee@netscape.net August 19, 1998