This is the absolute Packers Place...if you are NOT a DIE-HARD Packers Fans...this is NOT the place for you....just kidding...LOL.

OK I know I'm a little worped but I just LOVE THE PACKERS (favre) Our house is yellow with green trim (GO PACKERS!!!!) Over our garage there is a sign that says "G.B. Packers Ave." I wear Favre's jersey everytime they play,"so I can make sure they win." ...LOL

Please enjoy the graphics and links that I have provided for your enjoyment.

Packer Poll
Who's Your Favorite Green Bay Player?

Brett Favre
Reggie White
Brett Favre
Gilbert Brown
Brett Favre

Current Results

Wonderful Packers Links
NFL.COM:Packers Roster
Green Bay Packers - The Team
Green Bay Packers Of Course
Green Bay Packers Links
Green Bay Packers Collection

I think I like the Packers......what do you think...enjoy yourself surfing all of the great Packers Pages from the rings below..!!!


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