The Fairy Princess color changes!.

People all around the world know about, and want to come to the United States of America.
Although they probably don't know about all the problems we have.
To me the number one problem is abortion on demand.
It is really sad that people kill the innocent.
What bothers me the most is that they wait till the baby is in its second
or third trimester and then kill it.
By then it is already alive, it then has a heart and a soul.
So my big question is:
"When did murder become legal?".
Maybe you disagree and I would like to hear your comments.
But for those who do agree
and feel strongly about it,
you should talk around and see if you can find other people of like mind
and then go to your City Council and ask if you can start a petition.
If we can all work together we can stop abortion on demand.

If you would like to enter an opinion
about your views on abortion,
please do so in my forum.
It is password protected and the password is:


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