From Dreams to Reality

Our troop earned the Dreams to Reality in a sleepover. Here's what we did.

Requirement 1: We completed two activities from the Career Exploration Interest Project. We were the last year to be able to do this requirement as it has been phased out and replaced due to the Career Explorations IPP no longer exists.
Requirement 2: We searched through a book that explained different careers and gave information on training required, salary ranges, and education requirements. You can check with the local high school guidance department or local public library for this resource.

Requirement 3: we opted not to do this one.

Requirement 4: We researched two fields in which women are not in the majority--clergy and construction worker. We had access to a "From Dreams to Reality" book from our council that helped in the research as well as internet access. We found that society as a whole does not perceive women as appropriate in these fields, although more and more women are entering into these fields.

Requirement 5: We had our sleepover during December and it fell on the weekend of the local town's Open House, so we took a break (we thought) and went to the Open House. During the Open House we spoke to the owner of a florist who allowed us to interview her, we also interviewed a legal secretary for a local law firm. Afterwards we interviewed a teacher and a Girl Scout staff member. Each one had a different way of balancing their home and families with their careers. Several started out to be something else and ended up in their current position due to changes in their lives.

Requirement 6: Our leader had collected several different cities newspapers over a period of time and we found three different positions and compared the ads in each so that we could learn about the positions.

Submitted by:
Troop 446
