Some of the activities we participated in:
1997-98 are:
local American Indian POWWOW/American Indian Lore IPP
Council Wider Ops event Up, Up, & Away-learned about
wider ops, hot air ballooning, and metereology
Council Rythym and Motion event/Invitation to Dance IPP and camped out
overnight on the way to the council
JOTI-Jamboree On The Internet-met scouts worldwide on the internet
Hosted and helped run the Service Unit Event Juliette Low's Birthday
Bash--we taught a dance and helped the Brownies earn their Play try-it
Invited a cosmetic consultant to come to a troop meeting and help with work
on the From Fitness to Fashion IPP
Caroled in the Parade of Lights at Christmas
Postcard exchange with
scouts worldwide for Thinking Day
Made placemats for the local nursing home as part of our "Service is
Blooming" service project
Valentine Father/Daughter Dance
Thinking Day Chat
Met Governor Chiles and his Cabinet members and received the Proclamation
for Girl Scout Week from him
Observed church services for Girl Scout Sunday
Hosted Lois Seimer--Juliette On Tour in April 1998--1st from the internet
JOTT--Jamboree On The Trail
Painted the play equipment at the City Park.
Activities for 1998-99 Year are:
Fun Fest helping with recruitment
Cadette/Senior Sporting Around Sleepover
Mardi Gras Juliette Low Birthday Event-run by Cadettes
Mock Disaster
Painting in the Park
Flag Ceremony at Associational Meeting
Camping to meet Georgia Troop 1910
Parade of Lights
Service Spreads Warmth
Thinking Day Event-we're doing Australia
Campout at the Lost Sea
Campout - Flags-T
Council own patch -- Florida Wetlands
Wildwaters Trip
Service Projects include:
Adopt-a-Grandparent at local nursing home
Making Thanksgiving and Christmas center pieces for nursing home dining room
Wove potholders for Meals On Wheels
Birthday Boxes for underpriviledged
Activities for the 1999-2000 year are:
So far these are the plans we've made for the year!
Mascot Exchange program
Florida Wetlands Council Own Program
Started working on Creative Cooking
ScoutFest at Busch Gardens Oct.16th (Postponed due to hurricane Irene!)--May 20th
Florida Forest Festival Parade--local annual parade
Tea for Two--Juliette Gordon Low Birthday Tea Party
Archaeological Dig Nov.14th
Parade of Lights--Christmas Parade Dec. 4th
Craft Bazarre--Dec. 5th
Going to the ballet--Nutcracker Suit Dec. 12th
Salute to Girl Scouts at Kennedy Space Center--Feb. 26th
Cookie Sales--March
Thinking Day Event --Tea, display of dolls from around the world--Mar. 25th (late due to conflicts)
Sleepover to work on Photography IPP--April 14th
Sleepover at CFAS, work with younger troops on camping skills and activities--April 28th
JOT--Juliette On Tour at CFAS--April 29th
Service Projects:
Teaching Brownies and Juniors flag ceremony--Aug/Sept
Painting Scout Bridge for bridging--Sept
Cleanup at the school where we meet--Nov.
Caroling --Dec.
Collecting school supplies and toys for Georgia Tornado victims (children)--Feb./Mar.
Making table decorations for Nursing Home and TARC Meal Program dining halls--Spring
Service Unit wide--each troop rotates with a monthly project with the local nursing home (Mar)
Birthday Boxes for needy children--ongoing from last year, each month an item is collected (from a scout who has a birthday that month) to go into the box and when it's filled we give it to the local agency for the children and start collecting again.
Daycamp in Georgia, helping as Camp Counselors with a troop and leaders we met--June 12-16th
Daycamp in Florida, helping as Camp Counselors June 26-30th
Activities for the 2000-2001 Year
Planned so far:
Photography IPP
Ceramics IPP
FFF Parade-marched in parade, Oct.
Dec. 8th-Caroling on the Square and Craft Sale at our Open House Downtown
Cookie sales-Jan-Mar.
June 21-24th-Trip to the Birthplace
Our leader was in a cast for a few months so we weren't as active as the past years.
Service Projects
Birthday boxes for Juliette's birthday
working with younger GS troops
Donated soda can tabs to Ronald McDonald House Home