We are "Sparkles" (got from her family), "Thistle" (acquired in England).
Our fearless leader is "Angel".
We are awaiting a few new members to join us this year, we hope to give them a camp name too. Two were former members of our troop who have decided that they couldn't live without us!!! Check back soon to find out about our newest members.
The troop began as Daisy's and has under gone several changes, one of the scouts in the troop began with the original troop all others have joined along the way. All the girls enjoy arts and crafts, music, camping, and working on computers. The girls are beginning to take on more leadership responsibilities, Thistle earned the Silver Award. She is the first ever in our area to earn the Silver Award! We are gaining some new members all of which will be Seniors and they all want to go for the Gold!! We plan to begin on the prerequisites in Aug. and hope all earn the Gold by the end of 2003.
Of course, we love to sell and EAT Girl Scout Cookies!!
During the summer of 1998, two of us and Ms. Donna got to travel to England to an International Camp and it was cool!! We were hosted by a scout troop in the UK, traveled to London, and Pax Lodge too. We took along some mascots, Bentley Munchkins, Beka, and our two traveling mascots Millie the manatee and Tillie the sea turtle.
Check out our trip to the Birthplace this summer. Birthplace, Savannah
We helped out as camp counselors at the Daycamp this summer. Angel was the director and we had 15 girls that learned about WAGGGS, the 4 World Centers and the countries they are in, as well as games, crafts, and songs. We are applying the leadership hours towards our Leadership Award.
Angel helped to design the patch we received for the Thinking Day Postcard Exchange. See it below.