I don't want to go home
Boom, Boom
I'm having such a wonderful time
They say there's no place else like home
But camp just suits me fine
So pitch me a tent outdoors
Boom, Boom
And call my folks back home
I'll still be here singing this song
I don't want to go home!
I knew an old lady who swallowed a spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed a spider to catch the Fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a Bird
How absurd, to swallow a bird
She swallowed a bird to catch the spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a cat
Imagine that, she swallowed a cat
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed a bird to catch the spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a dog
What a hog, to swallow a dog
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed a bird to catch the spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a goat
She opened her throat and swallowed the goat
She swallowed the goat to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed a bird to catch the spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a cow
I don't know how she swallowed the cow
She swallowed the cow to catch the goat,
She swallowed the goat to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed a bird to catch the spider
That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die
I knew an old lady who swallowed a horse
She's dead of course!
Mama jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Mama jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Papa jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Papa jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Grandma jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Grandma jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Grandpa jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Grandpa jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws, jaws
Lady swim, swim, swim, swim, swim
Lady swim, swim, swim, swim, swim
See the shark, "Eek, eek, eek, eek!"
See the shark, "Eek, eek, eek, eek!"
Shark attack: Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!
Shark attack: Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!
Swim away, "Yum, yum, yum, yum"
Swim away, "Yum, yum, yum, yum"
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop kookaburra, Stop kookaburra,
Leave some there for me.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Counting all the monkeys he can see.
Stop kookaburra, Stop kookaburra,
That's not a monkey, that's me!
Kookaburra sits on the telephone wire
Jumping up and down 'cause his butt's on fire
Cry kookabura, Cry kookaburra
You are going to expire!
Kookaburra sits on the railroad tracks
Better get off or he'll be flat
Run kookaburra, run kookaburra
Uh-Oh!, Watch Out!, SPLAT!
Late last night while we were all in bed
Old Lady Leary hung a lantern on the shed
And when the cow kicked it over
She winked her eye and said
There's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight
Fire, Fire, Fire ! ! !
(Water, Water, Water ! ! !, Save my Child, Save my Child ! ! !, Roast beef well done)
Girl: What's you name, little boy?
Boy: My name is Lemme
Girl: Lemme what, little boy?
Boy: Lemme kiss you!
Boy: What's your name, little girl
Girl: My name is Ida
Boy: Ida what, little girl?
Girl: Ida n't want to!
Girl: What's you name, little boy?
Boy: My name is Lemme
Girl: Lemme what, little boy?
Boy: Lemme kiss you!
Boy: What's your name, little girl?
Girl: My name is Ill-a
Boy: Ill-a what, little girl?
Girl: Ill-a ask my momma
Girl: What's you name, little boy?
Boy: My name is Lemme
Girl: Lemme what, little boy?
Boy: Lemme kiss you!
Boy: What's your name, little girl?
Girl: My name is Ollie
Boy: Ollie what, little girl?
Girl: Ollie right! (kiss, kiss)
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shinin' all around.
He plied his paddle so
You couldn't hear a sound.
So they talked and they talked
'Til the moon grew dim.
He said you better kiss me
Or get out and swim
So whatcha gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shinin' all a...
The boats goin' all a...
The girls swimmin' all around
You can't ride in the little red wagon
The front seat's broke and the axle's draggin'
Chuuug, Chuuuug
I've tried and tried
But still I can't find
A lollypop
That's half way refined
So, I'd rather suck on a lemon drop
Than try my luck with a lollypop
'Cause a lollypop I always drop
And it gets all over icky, icky, icky, icky, icky, BLAH!
Middies, bloomers
Middies bloomers all the time
Nah, nah, nah
Middies, bloomers
Middies bloomers all the time
Nah, nah, nah
She wears 'em in the morning
She wears 'em at noon,
She only takes 'em off by the light of the moon
Middies, bloomers
Middies bloomers all the time
Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, Wooh!, Nah, nah, Wooh!
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah
White shirts, greenies…
Straw hats, knee socks…
Sun goes down, tide goes out
People gather round
and they begin to shout, (clap, clap)
"Hey, hey, Uncle Fudd
It's a treat to beat your feet
on the Mississippi Mud
It's a treat to beat your feet
on the Mississippi Mud"
What a dance they do
Lordy, how I'm telling you, (clap, clap)
"Hey, hey, Uncle Fudd
It's a treat to beat your feet
on the Mississippi Mud
It's a treat to beat your feet
on the Mississippi Mud"
Mmm-att went the little green frog
Mmm-att went the little green frog one day
Mmm-att went the little green frog
And all the other frogs went:
"Froody-oody oody-oh, Froody-oody oody-oh, Froody-oody oody-oh"
And all the other frogs went:
"Froody-oody oody-oh"
But this little frog went:
Mmm-att, mmm-att, mmm-att-att
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
He hops from place to place
To save the human race
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
Murray and the rabbit were caught in a radioactive storm
And when the storm had lifted the boy had been transformed
Murray and the rabbit were mutated into one!
And the legend of Murray, the rabbit boy begun
Sing it!
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
He hops from place to place
To save the human race
Murray, the rabbit boy, Murray
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
She crawls from place to place
To save the human race
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
Lori and the lobster were caught in the Exxon-Valvoline spill
And when the spill was cleaned up, the girl had grown some gills!
Lori and the lobster had been mutated into one!
And the legend of Lori, the lobster girl begun
Sing it!
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
She crawls from place to place
To save the human race
Lori, the lobster girl, Lori
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
She scurries from place to place
To save the human race
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
Sally and the squirrel were caught in a radioactive soap
And when the soap was cleaned up, the girl she had no hope
Sally and the squirrel had been mutated into one!
And the legend of Sally, the squirrel girl begun
Sing it!
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
She scurries from place to place
To save the human race
Sally, the squirrel girl, Sally
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on that farm he had a home
Home, home on the range
Where they chopped down the old pine tree - timber!
And they hauled it away to the mill - tra la la
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on that farm he had a dog
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Home, home on the range
Where they chopped down the old pine tree - timber!
And they hauled it away to the mill - tra la la
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on that farm he had a sweetheart
Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you
Let me whisper in your ear
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Home, home on the range
Where they chopped down the old pine tree - timber!
And they hauled it away to the mill - tra la la
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on that farm he had a skunk
Well, he stuck his head in a little skunk's hole
And the little skunk said
Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you
Let me whisper in your ear
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Home, home on the range
Where they chopped down the old pine tree - timber!
And they hauled it away to the mill - tra la la
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on his farm he had an ending.
If I had the strength of a pioneer, pioneer
Up to the hilltops I'd climb, I'd climb
There to remain a pioneer, pioneer
Until the day that I die, I die
Oooh la la, oooh la la, oooh la la la
Oooh la la, oooh la la la
Oooh la la, oooh la la, oooh la la la
Once more
Oooh la la, oooh la la la
The End
We are the polar bears; brave and bold
We never get hot and we never get cold
Because where we come from summer never occurs
And the rest of the time we have plenty of fur!
(Low style, high style, baby style, Australian style, English style, Jamaican style )
I'm a little prairie flower
Growing taller by the hour
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the thing I lost last night
My reindeer is purple
And yours is pea green
My reindeer’s a Girl Scout
She can clean a latrine
Rufes, rafus, Johnson, Brown
What ya gonna do when the rent rolls round
What ya say? What ya gonna pay?
What ya gonna do on the judgement day?
Oh, you know I know rent means dough
Landlord's gonna throw you out in the snow
Oh, rufes, rafus, Johnson, Brown
What ya gonna do when the rent rolls round
C, that's the way it begins
H, I'm the second letter in
I, I am the third letter
C, I'm the fourth letter in that word
Oh, K, I'm fillin' in
E, I'm near the end
Oh, C-H-I-C-K-E-N
That's the way you spell chicken!