All right-y. Here's the place to (obviously) read and share poetry, short stories and the like. Y'all can even send me quotes, if you want. Just specify which category these things are going into. You all come up with some pretty cool stuff, so keep sending! For all you returning people (I love you all, you know) the format is a tad different, but y'all are smart, y'all will figure it out if you haven't already. Yes. I said "y'all."
Stories are meant to entertain, intrigue, and fascinate. They're meant to make you smile, think, cry, and feel. I hope I accomplish some of those things with these stories. They're pretty short, but I may have a longer one up soon or something. You should try to remind me.
| Beauty and the Beast (my version) | Forever Running (kinda creepy!)|The Park| | Starting the day with a smile | SaraJaine | However Deep | The Luxury of Flight | Dancing Tears (kinda creepy!) | Death |A Little Spiel About Dance | Imagination (also kinda creepy) | Sorrow Swimmer |
Poems are meant to convey meaning and emotion. Poems put together a "word picture." So go ahead and click on a few of my and your works of art. I hope you enjoy all of them! (Just to let you know, the reason why Alicia and Deb have pages of their own is because they sent in enough stuff to have a page of their own. If you'd like a page of your own, go ahead and submit your work!)
| Poems by the Treejumper New stuff up! | Poems by Alicia | Poems by Deb | A song or two by the Treejumper | Stuff submitted by you! (yes, you) New Stuff Up, FINALLY! |
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And now comes the interactive part: SUBMITTING YOUR STUFF! I'd love to get works from you guys because I know y'all are talented. Feel free to include as much extra info on the piece (like when you wrote it and why) or extra info on you (age, what state or country you live in) because it certainly makes it even MORE interesting for me and other visitors to read! Just to let you know, not everything will be put up due to my time constraints sometimes and my strange editing style. Please don't hate me! Ack! Anyway, one last thing before you submit: If you're submitting a story and it's really long (like longer than 5 pages 12 font), I'd like for you to check with me first by sending me feedback.
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