
This page will make you laugh, chortle, snort, giggle, guffaw, chuckle, and maybe even weep. If you are one prone to uncontrollable fits of laughter which last for so long that all that comes out of your mouth is a wheezy noise due to lack of oxygen, OR if you are one prone to having things escape from your body due to laughter (ex: milk out of nose, soda out of mouth, peanut butter out of ears, and the ever popular pee soaking pants), OR if you are in a place where nobody but you has a sense of humor and they will give you funny looks if you suddenly snort loudly, laugh, and begin hyperventilating, Sandy/George.com would recommend that you NOT read anything on the pages that follow. Thank you.

Aaaaand another little disclaimer... Sandy/George.com would like to remind you that this is a page of HUMOR, not to be taken seriously. Furthermore, this type of humor may not be YOUR type of humor, and if it isn't, feel free to stop reading at anytime. If you are offended by any of the jokes in these next few pages, please try to understand that we don't actually MEAN any of it and that we didn't write this for the purposes of hurting or insulting anyone, and we just find it pretty funny. If you really want to sue me, sure, contact your lawyer. But I should warn you that I have close to NO money, and all you will end up receiving is a wet sock. (WET SOCK!!!!) HOWEVER, if you would like, you can contact me with how you feel here. Please follow all the rules mentioned.

Is this humor page right for me?

A simple test to see if your kind of humor is our kind of humor and if you'll find this site as amusing as we do.

You KNOW you're Asian if...

This is just a list of stuff... if you feel offended already, don't click.



Yeah, the shrimpy is gone. Sorry, folks. But I've got a new song in. Rather I got a new song put up. I will have more soon. Hopefully the Indonesia Movie songs will be up. Not sure. It's a surprise.

Hey. I'm in band.

Yeah. It's a list. Read it if you want.

About me.

Yeah. It's updated a little. This way, it doesn't seem like I'm in high school forEVer.

Rules for the Chinese Child

More Asian jokes. Digs, as it were. Geez, I think this is going to be about Asian jokes as much as Irma's site is about Band jokes. That's right. I mentioned her name. What?

COMING SOON: So I don't know what's coming soon. I'm not psychic or anything. Sheesh. So demanding.

I'm so lazy, yes I am... Lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy laaaaaazy lazyyyyyyyyyyyy laZY LAzy. And bored.

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