last updated 5/15/99

Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated you in such a long time. Life has changed dramatically for me the last few weeks.

I can now propel myself across a room, can clap on command and wave bye-bye. I can say "mama", "abba" and "dadda", though I'm not sure what they mean yet. I've also learned that food comes in forms other than pureed. Chicken, cheerios, potatoes and bananas are now staples of my diet.

Last night I learned that if I stick a block all the way to the back of my throat, I can empty the contents of my stomach instantaneously! Mommy calls this "bulimia" and says I shouldn't do it anymore.

Because I'm now mobile, Daddy installed a beautiful gate at the top of the stairs. I enjoy pulling on it, but have not yet figured out how to open it.

That's all for now but I'll update you in a few weeks after my 9 month doctor appointment. New pictures appear on the 6-9 month page. If you haven't already, please sign my guestbook.

Thanks for stopping by!

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