<BGSOUND SRC="fairywings.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">

©Jessica Galbreth

The Fairies never have a penny to spend
They haven't a thing put by,
But theirs is the dower of bird and flower
And theirs is the earth and sky.

And though you should live in a palace of gold,
Or sleep in a dried up ditch,
You could never be as poor as the fairies are,
And never as rich.

Since ever and ever the world began
They danced like a ribbon of flame
They have sung their song through centuries long.

And though you be foolish or you be wise
With hair of silver or gold
You can never be as young as the fairies are,
And never as old.

~Rose Fyleman~

©Jessica Galbreth

"I met a lady in the meads.
Full beautiful, a faery's child;
Her hair was long,
her foot was light,
and her eyes were wild."
~John Keats~

©Jessica Galbreth

A Faery Prayer

Mist-clad in the light of the moon
Star spun seekers - I search for thee!
Faery light - I ask thy boon
Of branch and thorn and Elder tree!
Wood woven creatures, shadow weavers
River keepers - come to me!
Just beyond reaching
Never in keeping
Spirits of Faery - I call unto thee!
Wind-hewn wildness
Dark and brightness
Spiral enchantments - born of the sky!
Cradle me with eleven hands,
Abide with me, thy human child!

~Author Unknown~

©Jessica Galbreth

The Lord and The Ladies

Faeries, when you lose your way,
From the dance returning,
In the darkest undergrowth,
See my candles burning!
These shall make the pathway plain,
Homeward to your beds again.

~Cicely Mary Barker~

©Artist Unknown

The Child and the Faeries

The woods are full of faeries!
The trees are all alive;
The river overflows with them,
See how they dip and dive!
What funny little fellows!
What dainty little dears!
They dance and leap,
and prance and peep,
And utter fairy cheers!
I'd like to tame a fairy,
To keep it on a shelf,
And dress its little self.
I'd teach it pretty manners,
It always should say "please",
And then you know I'd make it sew,
And curtsey with its knees!

~Author Unknown~

Some of the pictures are by Jessica and were used
with her permission.Please do not take them from
this site. You can go to her site through the
banner above, and ask for yourself.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

