Image of title

<BGSOUND SRC="lknthru.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">Image of a starImage of fae5Image of a star

Image of grapevine

Hello and Welcome to my Realm for the fairies and gnomes.
Here you will be able to see and adore the beauty and splendor
of the fairy world. From the sheer elegance and beauty of the fae,
To the keen and witty humor of the envamous gnomes. So please
watch your step and enjoy your stay, but please tell your friends
to come visit and do come back again.

Image of grapevine

Image of starry2Image of a wandImage of a starry2Image of tinkerbellImage of a starry2Image of a wand2Image of a starry 2

To be further enchanted, just tap on Tinkerbell and she will take you to the fairies.

Image of grapevine

Image of a dancingstarImage of a cauldronImage of a dancingstarImage of a gnomemushImage of a dancingstarImage of a crystalballImage of a dancingstar

Their potions brewing, the crystal balls aglow, click on the gnome man, the entrance he will show.

Image of a grapevine

Image of a twinkles Image of a fairiesImage of a twinkles

Love to read fairy poems ?
Love beautiful artwork of fairies?
Then click on the two fairys above
and they will light the way for you.
The artwork there is by Jessica Galbreth.

This Jessica Galbreth Enchanted Art site
owned by Terri Lynn

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Image of a grapevine

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Image of a grapevine

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