Portrait of the real, actual Goony (a Flip) who guest-starred in the Beanie Saga

Mary Beth's Bean Bag World
Mary Beth's Bean Bag World

Mary Beth's Bean Bag World is one of the best resources for collectors of Beanie Babies and related toys. Every issue offers photos, prices by generation of heart hang tag, and information on collectibles shows along with collector trivia, a secondary-market buyer's guide, and answers to the most commonly asked Beanie questions. Try it risk-free for 90 days!

Beandoks Beanie News

Renovations Coming...(5/27/00)

Well as you all may have noticed, we haven't been doing much updating. It's mainly because has gotten herself another Web site, which focuses mainly on art and writing, which is more her "thing" than Beanies. However, we recognize that this place has a lot of good information tucked away, so rather than scrap it, we are planning to renovate this site--mainly take out old columns that don't have anything in them, consolidate a few things, and possibly add never-before-seen pictures relating to the Beanie Saga. This may not come for some time, but it will happen eventually.

Checklist Updated (3/19/00)

We have listed all the new Beanies in our Beaniology Checklist, plus updated the retirement dates and status of Beanies. The links to the info still do not work, but the names are all listed. We constantly seek to perfect the study of Beanies!

New Beanies' Names (3/2/00)

The names of the new beanies have been announced. They are:

2000 Signature Bear
The Beginning Bear
Halo II
Aurora the polar bear
Sarge the German Shepherd
Rufus the dog
Grace the praying bunny
Springy the lavender bunny
Swoop the pterodactyl
Wiggly the octopus
Bushy the Lion
Sneaky the leopard
Swampy the alligator
Glow the lightning bug
Scurry the beetle
Fleecie the Lamb
Trumpet the elephant
Niles the camel
Frigid the penguin
Morrie the eel

Well, it looks like we really need to update our old beanie checklist now!

20 New Beanies! (2/14/00)

Yesterday the new Beanies were revealed at said show! We don't know their names yet, but they are: a penguin,"Ty 2000" bear, a green/orange eel, tie-dyed squid, a silver bear w/stars, a small gray elephant, a lamb, another angel bear like Halo, two bunnies, one yellow and one pueple, that sit like Halo, a brown/tan dog, an orange lion, a polar bear, a kitten, a camel, a pterdactyl, alligator, dragonfly w/orange wings, a six-legged bug, and a white dog. There are more detailed descriptions at A Beanie Buddy Borough, which is where we got this news. Thanks!

The Day The Beanies Stood Still (2/12/00)

....is nearly over! At the New York Toy Fair beginning tomorrow and lasting till the 17th, 24 new Beanies are rumored to be introduced. We can't wait! At last the Beanies are coming out of hibernation!

Ty's New Look (1/20/00)

Check out the Ty site's new look! All Beanie Babies are retired still, no new ones have come out.

Beanie or Not? (1/13/00)

Well, we may be very far behind, but we have learned of all the new Ty products. New sizes of Buddies, especially Peace, are nice to see. However, no new Beanies have come out yet, and Ty is waiting to announce what the name of the new "Beanie" product will be. If anyone thinks they know, or knows for sure, please send it in!

Happy (Belated) New Year (1/3/00)

Yes. the Beandoks hopes to come out of hibernation at last in the next few months. The first draft of Wynn's novel is done. It looks like Ty tricked everyone into thinking Beanies were really retiring. Did they really think that everyone would vote "no" for keeping Beanies? Almost everyone who visits the site and keeps up with Beanie news is a Beanie lover. We did not vote, because we had no credit card and didn't feel like paying 50 cents. The vote was a landslide, with 91% voting to keep'em.

*Shock!* An Update! (11/14/99)

The reason for our lack of updates has been bcause of having too few visitors, and also because we've been running this site for over a year and a half. The main reason is that the webmaster, Wynn, is at work on a new novel, plus has a full-time job (actually more like 50 hours a week)plus household responsibilities. We will probably try to resume updates when the novel is finished. This site is staying up for the meantime and have a Beanie day!

So Maybe *They* Lied (10/0/99)

Ebay removed all Blue faced Spangles from their auctions and said, "Ty has provided a sworn statement under the penalty of perjury of law that the item(s) in question violate their copyright, trademark or other rights. Ty has contacted eBay directly and informed us that Ty has not even released this product, and therefore any item now in the hands of the public is either counterfeit, or has been stolen from their company." Well, the Spangle Buddy states on its own tag that Spangle comes in three head colors! So maybe they were stolen, or accidentally shipped, but Blue faced Spangles are real. We've heard the Blue ones weren't supposed to be released until October.

Ty Newsflashes (10/1/99)

Go HERE to read two minor newsflashes Ty posted on its site.

OK, So Maybe We Lied A Little(9/21)

There's a new Saga chapter up. We've decided that although fiction updates will be less frequent, they will still happen. After our announcement went up we got some feedback from our loyal fans who said "how could you!" So we've made a little compromise! Look also for new info on the 10 new Beanie Babies to be added to Beaniology soon.

Billionaire Bear II!(9/18)

Beaniemom reports a new finding, a genuine Billionaire II Bear! The bear is already up on Ebay and there were less than 500 made. Go to Beaniemom to see the picture!

Newbie Pictures on Ty Site! (9/16)

Click HERE for official pictures of all the new Ty products!

Fiction On Hold (9/16)

After over a year of next to no support, both in terms of visitors and money (not a penny) the Beandoks has decided to stop producing new fiction to the Saga, Erin's Diary, Chanya's Magic Tips and Jigsy. You can view the old ones by clicking on the links on the left. We don't like to let our few fans down, but until we start receiving at least some recognition by the mainstream Beanie internet sites (or become a more mainstream, generally known site in ourself) or start receiving money for our hard work, we will not be making more. It's too costly in terms of time spent. However, we will continue to bring you timely Beanie news here on this main page.

SPCB Updated (9/12)

We found another site thanks to one of our Internet friends. Thanks to everyone for sending those links in and alerting us! In addition, the SPCB is now affiliated with the SPCP, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pokémon! A link to this site, which has over a dozen hate sites on file, is forthcoming! Let's team together to stop the hate!

People Magazine Features Ty Warner (9/10)

People Magazine's September 20th Double Issue (with Cher and Ricky Martin on the cover) has a 6-page spread featuring Ty Warner and the Beanie phenomenon titled "Bean There, Done That." It has a lot of pictures. Grab this issue--it's a must have for Beanie lovers!

Ty Signing Ty2K's (9/8)

Ty is reportedly signing 2000 Ty2K bears in blue and sending them out with the unsigned beanies at random in all countries where Beanies are shipped to.

Ty 2K Poem reads:

"As a farewell treat for you,
Ty has signed some Bears in Blue.
The Year 2000 has come at last
Grab a Beanie and have a Blast!"

This news was brought to you courtesy of the Toybox Beanie News.

Very Very Good News? (9/7)

Click here to read a possible announcement that Ty will make in October for the new millennium. Supposedly it's going to be "very, very good news."

Newbie Pics Gone! But We Saved'em! (9/7)

Those newbie pics were removed, according to the Toybox, after the trade show went back up yesterday. But never fear! If you missed them the last time, we saved'em and we put them up here! Click on the name to see the pic: 99 Teddy, Groovy, Slowpoke, Ty2K, Sheets, Scaly, The End. These pictures were originally provided by Wongo's Beanie Page.

Newbie Birthdays (9/6)

Beaniemom.com reports that these are the new Beanie Babies' birthdays.

Scaly - Feb 9
Ty 2k - Jan 1
Sheets - Oct 31
Slowpoke - May 20
99 Teddy - Dec 25
Chipper - Apr 21
Honk - Mar 11
Wallace - Jan 25
Groovy - Jan 10
The End - no birthday

Beaniemom also has a great review of the Beanieshow where the newbies showed up. Click here!


Click HERE to see some newbie pics! This is someone else's site and no one is allowed to use them. But we thought we'd tell you about the place!

More about the Newbies (9/5)

Thank you to whoever posted this. We don't know, but we'll show it to you anyway!

Sunday, 05-Sep-1999 10:15:41 writes:
"All good things come to an end
It's been fun for everyone
Peace and Hope are never gone
Love you all and say so long"
This is the poem on the hang tag of "THE END" BEAR.
I've just come back from a large TRADE SHOW here in BIRMINGHAM UK where TY had all the new beanies and buddies on display !!!! They look great.
GROOVY & WALLACE are made of a fabric similar to Fuzz. Groovy is tie-died and Wallace green with a Tartan scarf.
Ty 2K is white with 'tickertape' coloured squares
HOLIDAY BEAR is a superb pale blue with white snowflakes all over. I thought it looked really cool.
SHEETS is like Spooky but with a white sheet over it and a ghostly face - not sure about this one.
Chipper, Scaly, Slowpoke & Honks all look good with a different fabric and look to them. Scaly for example actually stands up on its four legs.
BUT the real winner is THE END Bear. All black with a gold bow-tie around its neck and gold fireworks embroidered on its chest. It does not have a birth date and as you will see the poem leaves everyone guessing.
The Buddies also looked great. Britannia will certainly be the one to get.
TY Reps appeared to know little more than what the annoucement stated. They all had laminated copies of the annoucement and said deliveries would start in October if you ordered at the show.
The Stall was packed and Beanies are far from dead in the UK."

Blue-Faced Spangles (9/5)

Blue-faced Spangles have appeared. To see the picture, click here on Beaniemom.com.

Tag Info Is. . .(9/4)

Before we tell you about the status of Tag Info, let's first apologize for putting the dates wrong. We put 8 where we should have had 9! Whew! Must be all the excitement of the last few days that fried our brains! Okay, now for Tag Info. People with weak constitutions read on slowly and carefully. . .IT WORKS! Yes, click HERE to read about Beanie tags and see some for yourself!

Y2K Compliance Page(9/4)

Check out Ty's new Y2K compliance page:

"Ty anticipates the arrival of the new Millennium with great excitement. Over the course of 1999 we have received requests for information concerning the Year 2000 efforts of Ty. We have been working to address Year 2000 processing issues and its effects on our company, web-sites, and product offerings for quite some time. Like many other companies, we have assembled a Year 2000 team to head up this effort. Rest assured that Ty is committed to our Year 2000 readiness efforts. Please watch this area of the web-site for future updates."

One more reason why Beanies will almost certainly continue into the next millennium, just with a fresh start, not die out like many of us feared initially.

Where are all the updates? (9/4)

We're sure you are all wondering why the Saga, Erin, Jigsy, etc. have not been updated lately. We've decided to tell you why. For one thing, we're working on the Tag Info section, which will be fully illustrated with real pictures of all the hang and tush tags. We've found out a few surprising things ourselves while working on this.

,dD> The other is that we're working on a new design for our front page. It shouuld be up, along with Tag Info and updates on all three fiction columns, some time this coming week. We're working hard to improve this site for you the viewer!

Loosy Retired (September 1st)

We're sorry we didn't post this sooner! Of course, go to the Ty site for the news.

Another Reason to Check the Beaniology Checklist(BIG NEWS)(9/2)

Click here to see the CONFIDENTIAL notice Ty Warner himself sent out to his employees and reps. This wasn't ever supposed to be seen by the outside world!

TY'S BIG NEWS (8/31)

Ty has released a whole batch of new Beanies, Buddies, plush, Pillow Pals and Attics. Here's the list:

The following "Newbies" can be ordered/shipped in September:

"Chipper" - chipmunk
"Scaly" - lizard
"Slowpoke" - sloth
"Sheets" - ghost
"Honks" - goose
"Wallace" - bear
"Groovy" - bear
"Ty 2K" - bear
"1999 Holiday Teddy" - bear
"The End" - black bear
"Amber" - cat
"Silver" - cat
"Fetch" - dog
"Slither" - snake
"Spinner" - spider
"Pumkin'" - pumpkin
"Gobbles" - turkey
"Snowboy" - snowboy
"Halo" - bear
"Spangle" - bear
"Peace" - bear
"Britannia" - bear (UK Exclusive)
"Maple" - bear (Canada Exclusive)
"Tyra" - bear
"Waddlesworth" - penguin
"Spruce" - bear
"Beargundy" - bear
"Cheri" - poodle
"Orion" - bear
"Bearkhardt" - bear
"Gwyndolyn" - bear
"Bluebeary" - bear
"Purplebeary" - bear
"Butterbeary" - bear

Ty will give priority in shipping to accounts that follow our suggested guidelines:

  1. Visual representation - Ty products on display in a prime location.
  2. Pricing - Beanies/Attics $5 - $7.
                   Everything else $10 (except oversize plush)

On December 31, 1999 - 11:59p.m. (CST)
All Beanies will be retired...including the above!

Oh, and Ty puts that last bit at the bottom...we suppose Ty wants to quit whole he's ahead. Like Rocky, an undefeated champion. We'll keep you posted on these newbies, the announcement and other news.
Well, we beanie collectors are reeling from shock. Even though something like this was being anticipated, from the rumors, it comes as a big blow to the beanie community. Obviously Beanies are not Y2K compliant! Our big question is, will he make a fresh start in '00? We'll all have to wait and see. "The End" black bear doesn't bode well.

Ty Has Blackout!!! (8/31)

As of 7:30 AM Eastern time the Ty site is still totally black! When you go to the normal old Ty site, all you see is a black screen! The address works and everything, but the site itself has changed to only black. If you click on the document source, it completely comfirms what you see with your eyes; there is only a body tag setting the background color, then it ends. No hidden links. We will keep you posted as to what further changes there might be today! This is something BIG!

Wiser Retires (8/27)

Wiser the Owl retired as of August 27th. We apologize for not having posted this yesterday, but the webmaster was moving to a new house! We should resume normal postings from today on.

Fortune Retires (8/24)

Fortune retired some time last evening. Ty is retiring quite a lot of beanies. We think he either must be scaling back or preparing to release a huge batch!

On August 31st (8/24)

We have heard so many rumors flying about what Ty will announce on August 31st that will affect future shipment of Ty product that we just had to do a little articla on it, plus quote some of the more amusing rumors we found. Click HERE for the Beandoks' newest page, Rumorama!

And the stunning conclusion...(8/24)

Go to the Saga today for the long-awaited, shocking conclusion of the Missing Snip case! To new readers: You might not want to read this episode unless you've read the ones before it, at least the ones recently before it so you're caught up. For the long-time Saga fans, this is the one you've been waiting for!

Making Beaniological Progress (8/22)

We have added 6 more files to the Beaniology list of Complete Beanie Info! And guess what we're working on now? None other than that page fossilizing on the side there--Tag Info! We hope to have that up and working in the next couple of weeks. Maybe we'll even beat the Scottish bear's announcement date--August 31st (supposedly!).

Scottish Bear A-Waiting! (8/21)

A message circulating states thus:

"A very good source of ours has informed us that the Scottish bear is now in the warehouse in England ready for shipping at the end of the month. Could this be part of the big announcement on August 31!" In addition, our good Internet Beanie friend "Sly" has informed us that the bear will be named either Caladonia or Jock, and be white with the Scottish flag on its chest. Obviously a UK exclusive but still exciting!

We definitely think so. Thanks to the Toybox.com for posting this one and getting the scoop. We don't usually dive into rumors like this but this time. . .We Believe!

So could this really be all that that August 31st thing is about? We don't think so. It must be more than just the release of an exclusive. That has never cause Ty to post a newsflash about shipping before...the thing that comes to our mind is a mass retirement. But why that, when Ty has been retiring them one by one lately? Only time will tell...

At Long Last. . .(8/18)

Our Beaniology checklist has been updated, plus about ten or twenty more Beanie profiles have been added to it! We have almost reached our goal of complete Beanie info! More to come in the next day or so.

Canyon's Retired (8/16)

You guessed it--the Ty site has the details. It's disappearing Canyon with the "good-bye" in all the languages and at the end, "No matter how you say it, he will be missed." And he will! Canyon might be a somewhat slow seller but no Beanie collection would be complete without him.

Mysterious Newsflash! (8/13)

On the last Friday the 13th of the millennium, Ty posted a mysterious newsflash on their site. It goes as follows:

A very important newsflash will be made August 31, 1999. Because of its content, no orders for September should be anticipated or taken until further notice!

Orders for Clubby Buddies will be accepted.

Ty Warner

To see it for real, go to the Ty site.

Saga Update (8/11)

This time you just can't miss it. Is this the end of the line for the Beanies of House 1006?

More Ordering Info (8/9)

The Ty site has now posted an offer to the Clubby Buddy, and you must enter your ID number of the BBOC to enter the site. Once you are there, click on the broken image to get ordering info. The offer ends on November 15th, 1999!

Saga Updated (8/7)

The Beanie Saga has been updated.

More on the New BBOC Offers! (8/5)

New information is now posted on the Ty site! Don't miss this one!

Post on the Summer Shows (8/4)

Ty Warner posted information on the Ty site that goes exactly as follows:

"I want to tell you that the show exclusives really are exclusive! Only those accounts that ordered at a summer show will receive and be able to reorder the 6 newbies until they are retired. Ty Warner"

Apparently the newbies can be re-ordered, not only ordered once as was previously believed.

Who's the Fairest Beanie Bear of Them All? (8/4)

Of the *current* bears, it is now Spangle! Yes, Spangle has officially changed to a white face. Beaniemom.com has received a picture that is 100% genuine of a white-faced Spangle sitting beside one of the old pink-faced Spangles. This change had been anticipated for a while but now it is official. The old Spangle could become, yes, a collector's item.

Ty retires Whiskers (Attic Treasure)(8/2)

For the picture on the Ty site, click here!

Clubby Buddies! (8/2)

Ty has announced in a newsflash that a new offer from the BBOC is coming soon. Here's the quote straight from the Beanie maker's mouth:
Sorry I've been gone so long! I've been out of the country saying "Good Bye" to many people. I've just had the counter on our home page taken down until it can be fixed and reset. The jump in numbers was due to a technician's error. I apologize. I am also very pleased to announce a special offer for all BBOC club members... Clubby Buddies! Keep watching our web site for details about how to order."

Maple Retires (7/30)

Check the Ty site, of course, for this most recent newsflash. Maple was long overdue, and now we are hearing rumors galore that new exclusives to replace Maple and Britannia will be coming out soon. None of these rumors have been confirmed by anything on the Ty site, as yet. A rumor has surfaced as a result of five separate reports of a wingless Quackers buddy. These wingless Quackers could easily be real, but they are just as likely to be manufacturing oddities as a limited edition, or even damaged products. We will try to keep you posted on all this!

Ty retired. . .

Bugsy (an Attic) on July 29th, Eggbert (Beanie Baby) on July 28th, and Patti (Buddy) on July 27th.

A Rumor? Here? (7/27)

We don't usually post rumors, but the rumor we have heard from a usually reliable source (this is on the Toybox web site) states that, quote, ""VERY Reliable sources have revealed that there is to be a New Exclusive White Scottish Bear, Probably to be revealed by TY Himself at the September N,E,C, National fair on the 5th - 8th and the same source has informed us that spangle will be definitely out before long with a white face." This is only a rumor and nothing has been proved (or disproved) as of yet. But we thought this one worth notice because the source is the same person who also revealed Spangle early, and revealed Nibbly's and Ewey's retirements early. We are guessing this is "Sly the Beanie Guy" by the style of the quote's writing. Stay tuned!

Ty Retires Britannia (7/26)

See the Ty site for the details (picture). Do you have any opinoins on Ty's retirement of this bear? If so you can post them on our Guestbook or our Beantalk forums!

Ty Posts More Newbie Pics(7/23)

Inch & Schweetheart Buddies, and Sparkler the Pillow Pal have now been officially announced on the Ty site with pictures.

New Saga (7/23)

The Beanie Saga has been updated. If you missed the last one, it's in the Saga Archives!

Catchup on Updates (7/21)

We are so sorry not to have posted the three retirements since the official introduction of the three new Beanie Babies. Ty retired Quackers Buddy on July 21st, Nibbly on July 20th, and Ewey on July 19th. For a link to the Ty site, please click here. Our webmaster just arrived back from vacation and regular updates should resume! But both our computers are not working well so we shall do our very best!

Osito USA Exclusive (7/15)

After all the debate, Ty sets the record straight by putting that Osito is a USA exclusive right on Osito's section in the Current Beanies list.

A Peace of the Pie!(7/14)

Peace has retired and Flitter the butterfly, the Birthday Bear (the new tie-dyed bear) and Lips the fish have been officially introduced. They are all GORGEOUS, and Lips and Flitter are two of the most detailed and colorful Beanies yet. Go to the Ty site to see the glorious pictures!

Attic Treasures Retire(7/13)

Ivan and Peppermint have retired. Please see the Ty site for the details!

Let the Saga roll! (7/13)

The Beanie Saga, Chanya and Jigsy have all been updated. Look for another update in the next couple of days!

Hippie Retires (7/12)

Check the Ty site for the picture. Looks like we could have a few more before month's end.

Newbies Are In! (7/12)

The three new Beanies, Lips the fish, Flitter the butterfly, and Birthday Bear are in and could be ordered at a show in Atlanta, Georgia. Beaniemom reports...."The Ty Inc. space was swamped promptly at 9am by hundreds of buyers looking to order the NEW beanies, buddies and pillow Pals. Their space was so packed that the displays that bordered it were almost being knocked over from the crowd. You literally could not move for more than an hour. It looked like the floor of the NYSE. People crushed together waving their arms with order forms in them. It was pure beanie madness !! Whoever said that beanies are on their way out should've been there being crushed like I was. It took several hours before I was able to see the NEW THREE (beanies). All I can say (as a personal collector) is .. all three are just beautiful and will most likely be hard to find and high priced (of course). They are some of the prettiest I've seen to date. Lips has so many colors it's beyond description. Flitter was pretty shades of ty-dye pink and purple, with stitching. The Birthday Bear is the most beautiful ty-dye iridescent pastel to date. The badge on his chest is like Clubby's, but says "Birthday Beanie" around the outside edge. The inside of the hang tag has a space to put a persons name (like a gift tag has).I had all three in my hands and they are exquisite !!"
To see the picture of a billboard in Atlanta featuring "Lips" the Fish, click here. The picture is on the Beaniemom website.

Nibbler Retires (7/9)

See the the Ty site for the picture! Will Nibbler be flying off the shelves now? We don't think so; after all, Stilts sure didn't, at least not in our area (New Jersey). So if you still haven't got Nibbler, your local Ty retailer(s) should have plenty. We could be wrong, but in our observation retirements don't cause mayhem anymore and there's plenty of time for the kids to get them!

Update on the Beandoks

IOf our Beanie Saga weren't digital it would sure be collecting dust. But we have two new Sagas and a third one almost done offline. You might also have noticed our checklist upon which we so pride ourselves has not been updated recently (Erin, Stilts, Mystic and now Nibbler are still listed as current) but we can't do anything until our computer is returned to us from repairing. We have word now that it will be back this coming Tuesday. *Hallelujah!*

Sparkler, not Sparkle!(7/7)

The new Pillow Pal fashioned after Spangle is named Sparkler, not Sparkle as was reported a few days ago. This seems more like th 4th of July theme and we hope that this is the actual name!

The BBOC Site. . .Change? (7/7)

The old Beanie Babies on the game section of Ty's BBOC site have changed to the newer Eucalyptus, Schweetheart and Knuckles. It's not huge news, but any change to that section is news worth reporting!

And you thought we forgot. . .(7/6)

So where's the Saga and the other three fiction columns? Well, if you've been keeping up you know why Erin isn't writing much. But the others are indeed being worked on, we just can't upload them till our computer is fixed. So when we do get it back, it should be back this week, we will have at least one set of Tips, Jigsy and the Saga to show you, likely two or more. Check back frequently!

Sparkle, Not Spangle(7/2)

The new Pillow Pal seen at the Dallas trade show, previously thought to be named Spangle, is named Sparkle. This makes more sense to us since Ty had nver used Beanie Baby/Buddy names for Pillow Pals before, although he used similar styles for some of them. Retailers can order 12 of Sparkle, reportedly only once.

Millennium's New Ribbon (7/1)

Beaniemom reports that Millennium's most recent shipment came with new ribbons. These ribbons are of softer fabric, nore "pinkish gold" and edged with gold. They contain less of the gold threads in the ribbon that made the first version rough and stiff, and consequently this new ribbon is softer and more floppy. It also looks good! To see the pictures, click here. Remember, if you get a beanie with a new look or receive other cutting-edge Beanie news, please send us a scan or Email us the news and we will gladly put it right up here! Remember, though, that it has to be "breaking" news like this.

More on the 3 Newbies

We heard on the Toybox and a few other websites, like BeanieMom, that these three beanies will only be shipped once! They should arrive within 3 weeks. Beanie hunters who intend to try for these beanies, keep checking with your local stores! Another rumor, reported to come from a Ty rep, says that other newbies more easily available to the populace will also be released soon. Remember that past rumors "from Ty reps" almost never panned out, at least no more often than rumors from other sources did. But anything is possible, so keep checking the Ty site!

New Beanies (6/27)

Ty dealers announce these Beanies were available at the Dallas trade show:

Lips the Fish, Bday 3/15 (An orange, purple polka-dotted Fish with Tie-dyed Lips--or so the reports say!)


Did you ever see a fish like me?
I'm the most colorful in the sea.
Travelling with friends in a school
Swimming all day is really cool.

Flitter the Butterfly, Bday 6/2 (A tie-dyed Butterfly)


I did not know what I was to be
Created in fuzz, it was hard to see.
Now a butterfly, what a beautiful sight
On silken wings, I take flight.

Birthday the Bear, No Bday. Tie-dyed, A pin like Clubby 1's.


This birthday bear was made for you
Hope your wishes and dreams come true.
Be happy today and tomorrow too
Let's all celebrate the whole year through!

Beaniemom reports Ty can order 48 of each of these three only at this time for prompt shipment! Everyone sound the alarm! Time to crank the Beanie craze back into gear! NOTE: We do not know if more than the 48 will be shipped in the future. We will keep scouring the Internet for more news on it! We are sorry not to have brought you this news sooner. But we had computer trouble and only got back on track today.

Buddies were announced too. They are: Inch and Schweetheart. And a pillow Pal of Spangle! 12 of each of the Buddies and 20 Pillow Pals can be ordered by the retailers who go to these special trade shows.

Computer Needs Repairs!(6/26)

Oh, no, this is, as Jigsy would say, a Bad Thing! We will have limited access during the next few days, but we will continue to bring improvements to this site while we work offline mostly during these next four or five days. This is just a notice to all viewers to explain why we have not been here for the last couple days.

"They'll never update the Saga." (6/23)

Well we did! Can you believe it? Click on today's Saga to see what in fact happened to good ol' wild beanie Erin!

A little more on pastel Peace (6/23)

We looked at hundreds of Ebay auctions on Peace last night for an upcoming project, and we gained some information we thought we shoud share with collectors. Peace with the number 115 on tush tags seems to be of a lighter fabric, in general, than "regular" Peace, and some with #118 also seem to have lighter colors, though not as much. But neither of these two numbers are the "summer 1998" pastel Peace of Beanie lore.:) That Beanie has 101 or more commonly 102 on the tush tag stamp. But for those who can't get a hold of that very rare beanie, some of the 115's have a similar look to the summer 1998 "whitewashed" Peace.

The Real McCoy

We went onto Ebay to look at pastel Peace bears (looking to add one to the collection) and we were shocked at what we found. Keying "pastel peace" into the search engine, we looked at many of the bears up for auction as pastel Peace are in fact NOT pastel Peace. Some of the numbers that we are pretty sure are real pastel Peace are: #118194327, 116872290, 118644895(Peace and Garcia--but a great pic for comparison) 121076204, 121060547, 120106237, and 119269582. We are not saying all the others are regular Peace's, but that you can be as sure as you can be with an internet picture that these Peace's are really pastel. You might also notice that these are also have more money bid on them and that some of the regular peace's people claim are pastel have few or no bids. In Peace's section of the beandoks, we will try to get up pictures for comparison. The secondary market price of true pastel Peace is on the rise and seems to stand at around $50. One of the above auctions is at $71. Again, to those ebay sellers whose numbers were not mentioned above, the above numbers are just examples we picked. We did not list all the real ones as we just wanted to give our visitors a few examples to start from. A last warning to anyone looking to buy a pastel Peace: You MUST see the bear or a good picture of it before you buy. Go to Ebay, key in "pastel peace" and look at all the 100-something auctions on there and you will quickly see why.

NES Working Again!

Thanks to a programmer friend of ours, the story script is again up and running. This webmaster who helped us runs a gift shop that includes collectibles (no Beanies but other things!) You can check it out if you like, at www.liningergifts.com. Another thanks!

That's good, but where's the next Saga?

The Saga is on its way. Because our main webmaster is now working another job, the Saga had to get put on hold. We are also at work on another site that will offer clip art, and as a result everything else has been put on hold.

SPCB Updated

We can't believe it either. But we finally did it! We let the Beanie hate movement blossom for much too long without keeping an eye on things. But that has changed. See the SPCB for the 9 sites found.


We are very sorry not to have posted a link to the newsflash on the new Ty exclusive Beanies and Buddies that went up on June 11th but was yanked off the site about an hour later. The link we're giving you now is just a reproduction by someone else of the exact message that went up. It is also saved to our site, which is why some links on there might not work.

Making "Beaniology" A More Exact Science...

Update on Project Beaniology--We've added three more files to the Checklist of Ultimate Beanie Info for today and more are coming tomorrow!

Straight from the Beanie's Mouth

As news, opinions, rumors and other Beanie tidbits have been slow to come in, we have decided to print our own observations on the Beanie market up here. Remember that these observations are simply what we have seen and may differ from yours. If you think your own news, opinions, and rumors should be on here too, send them in and we'll gladly post them!

Teenies '99

At the McDonald's stores around us (New Jersey), Freckles sold out somewhat quickly, but all other 11 were still in stock as of June 7th. The last four took a few days longer than scheduled to debut, but once each style had been put out they were easy to get; the lines were never long, not even at lunchtime. The main store we visited didn't even have all its registers open; one was closed. That is, until the morning of the bears promotion.
Glory and Britannia lasted three full days and the lines were long but not unreasonably so. Glory and Britannia were sold as a set the first day but switched to only one at a time the following day. You had to buy a food item (could just be a cookie) with each bear. Erin and Maple were sold separately too and sold out quickly, but nowhere near the frenzy of the 1997 and 1998 sales. We read on the Internet hundreds of personal Teenie accounts and in many places the stores sold out of the bears much more quickly and true Teenie-mania did hit these stores for the bears. However the other 12 Teenies are still trickling out of stores slowly and people seem to agree that Teenies have lost a lot of their punch. Many people won't buy just any Teenie; they need something more, like a bear.
The four international Teenie beanie bears do not appear rare at all. There is an abundance of them in McDonald's and generally people have been able to get all four without having to resort to the Internet or secondary dealers. Ebay and other auction sites and trading boards reflect this; 1999 Teenies, while up for sale, are generally priced on par with other Happy Meal toys. Even the bears only seem to be selling for slightly above normal prices.
The International Bears promotion proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House charities, so the more bears made the better. And no matter what they sell for in terms of dollars, they sure look adorable sitting on their parents', or "adopted" parents', laps! (Yes--we took ours out of the packages, through the back flaps. We lock no Beanies in plastic here at the Beandoks!)

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Wow, backwoods Beanies (or Beanie lovers) have breezed in here since January!