Current Pictures Pictures of Meir, Batsheva, Avigayil and Yehudis...
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Facts about Dan & Rochel
Yehudis info: born on November 11, 1998. She was born at 10:03 weighing 7 lbs. 0 oz's.
Avigayil info:born on December 7, 1999 - the 5th night of Chanuka. She was born at 5:14 weighing 6 lbs. 3 oz's.
Batsheva info:born on October 16, 2001. She was born at 2:42 in the afternoon and weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Meir info:born on April 05, 2004. He was born at 3:something in the afternoon and weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz.
To see pictures of Yehudis up to 6 weeks click here
To see pictures of Yehudis 6 weeks to 3 months click here
To see pictures of Yehudis 6 months to 9 months click here
Pictures Yehudis and Avigayilclick here...
Pictures of the girls - 2000 Click Here . . .
Pictures 2001 Click Here . . .
Pictures 2003 Click Here . . . Some sites we really like:
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