Animal Welfare Institute
Our Lil' Darlins- Darlin little pets! Trade pet pics and stories! Ask questions, answer questions. Share your knowledge or learn from other members!
United Outcasts- A club for the rejected. Share your thoughts and feelings that a shallow world can not understand. Now OUTcasts are IN!!!
Operation Clambake- Join the fight against Scientology cults on the web!
Hello Kitty-Hello Kitty and friends, games, character profiles, weekly horoscopes, and more! Quizes, fashion tips, embarrassing moment stories, and more!
VeggieTales-Home of Bob the tomato & Larry the cucumber.
Cartoon Network-Power Puff Girls, Cow & Chicken, Animaniacs, Scooby Doo, and countless other mindless cartoons!!!
Blue's Clues-Great website for preschoolers and their parents(and immature people like me!)
Vikimouse-This site is hosted by Vikimouse and all her friends. You can find some great downloads and graphics here.
Jar Jar's Official Fan Site-Web site dedicated to Star Wars' clumsy but loveable Jar Jar Binks! Please sign the petition to bring Jar Jar back in episode2!
ZoogDisney-Games and downloads.
OnlinePsych- Take an IQ test here!
Weird Al- Al's official site!
riffinteractive- online guitar lessons!
PostPet-Cute pets that deliver your e-mail for you! Free demo.
Petz-Virtual Catz and Dogz! Download a free demo here!
Creatures-Free downloads for your norns, screenshots of the latest Creatures software, and more.
Oddballz-Weird but loveable pets!
Oska Deskmate-Cute Koala virtual pet that doubles as a screensaver! Free to download. official Beanie Babies web site!
Virtual Creatures-virtual pets for your desktop.
Technosphere-Create your own unique creature!
Virtual Kitty- adopt your own virtual kitty!
Virtual Puppy- adopt your own virtual puppy!
Swine Online- Raise a virtual pig!
Tomagotchi-Download a tomagotchi for your desktop!
Furby-This site has an interactive Furby!
Mopyfish- Virtual fish for your desktop.
Happy House- Virtual hamster.
Virtual Baby-Adopt a virtual baby!
Virtual Sheep-Cute little sheep that everyone should have on their desktop!
Chihuahua Kingdom
Kitty Village
Dog Hause
Peacock's Friends
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