This is a list of summer programs for kids in the Pioneer Valley. The list will become more comprehensive as you send me information on programs about which you've heard! Email the webmaster with details.

Updated 8 January 2005

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Educational programs:
Smith-Northampton Summer SchoolGrades 3 & upCall 585-3260
Camp at Old Deerfield (2 wks in August)Ages 8-11Call Lynne Manning 413-772-0845Check out their website.
Historic Northampton Summer CampAges 8-12Call Alena Shumway 413-584-6011
iD Tech Camps (Smith College)Ages 8-17Call 1-800-709-TECHCheck out their website.
Yes ComputersAges not specifiedCall 413-585-0007Check out their website.
Summer Arts & Science Camp at Holyoke Children's Museumages not specifiedCall Beth at 413-536-7048
Mad Science Awesome Science Activity Weeksages 4-6 & 7-12Call 413-584-7243

Theater-Dance-Art-Music camps:
The Guild Studio School-EasthamptonAge 5 and upCall 527-0420Check out their website.
Ashfield Community Theater Summer Arts CampAges 6 & upCall Michelle LeRocque 413-628-4073Check out their website.
Capacidad-AmherstGrade 1-7Call Tara Luce at 253-5659
Mudpie Center for Visual Arts-AmherstAge 5 & upCall 253-9265
Multi Arts-AmherstGrade 1-7Call 584-7951 Email for more info.
Summer Stage Kids-Williston School, EasthamptonAges 8-16Call Danny Easton at 413-529-3203Check out their website.
Stoneleigh-Burnham School Dance Camp, Greenfieldcontact for age rangeCall 413-774-2711Check out their website.
Deerfield Academy Summer Arts CampAges 11-16Call 413-774-1405
Foundation for Fiber Art CenterAges 6-9, 9-12Call Susan Loring-Wells 413-256-1818Register thru Amherst Leisure Services
Northampton Community Music Centerall agesCall 413-585-0001Check out their website.
Amherst Ballet Summer Dance Workshop11-15Call 413-549-1555
Hampshire Shakespeare Company Summer Theatre WorkshopsAge 5-7, 8-12, 13-18Call Christine Stevens 413-549-4881
Creativity and the Arts Summer Program-Hadley PVPAAge 7-12Call Andrea Chakour 413-582-7808
Paradise Dance -Northampton/Easthampton, 12-16 August 9am-noon, swing, latin, hip-hopAge 8-15Call Paradise Dance 413-586-5678
Multi-Arts -AmherstGrades 1-7Call Catalina Arrubla 413-584-7951 or email for more information.

General arts, crafts and games day camps:
Kids Camp - Hampshire Mall, Hadley. Tuesdays 10-11:30 am 7/9-8/27 FREE - must register by 6/30 at Customer Service or Mall OfficeAge 5-10Call 586-5700
YMCA Camp Massasoit-NorthamptonAge 5-13Call 584-7086
Northampton Recreation Department (includes Safety Village & Kid Zone)Age 4 and upCall 587-1040Check out their website.
Kidsports-HadleyAge 5-12Call 586-0633 x 103Check out their website.
The Bement School-South Deerfieldvarious agesCall Andy Hamilton at 413-774-7061586-0633 x 103Check out their website.
The Montessori School-NorthamptonAge 3 & upCall 413-563-4645
People's Institute-NorthamptonAge 2 & upCall 413-584-8313
The Amherst Montessori Summer CampAge 2.9 & upCall 413-253-3101
Camp Howe, 4-H GoshenAges 7-17Call 413-268-7635Check out their website.
Early Adventures-Amherst Leisure ServicesAge 5-6Call Barbara Bills 256-4065
Camp Shemesh-Jewish Community of AmherstAge 6-11Call 413-256-0160
Camp Nonotuck-EasthamptonAge 6-13Call 413-529-1440

Nature/Adventure camps:
Morse Hill Outdoor Education Center, Inc.-LeverettGrade 3 & upCall 253-1807
Summer Nature Camp at Arcadia-EasthamptonAge 4 & upCall 584-3009 ext. 14
Outdoor Challenge-Hampshire College, AmherstAge 11-15Call 413-256-4065Check out their website.
Hitchcock Center for the Environment-AmherstAge 6-8 and 9-11Call 256-6006
Wildwood-New Hampshire (Mass Audubon)Overnight camp for ages 9-14, 14-18call 781-259-2183 or toll-free 866-627-2267 or emailCheck out their website.

Sports camps:
Smith Summer Tennis - Sat & Sun 1-4 pmAge 4 & upCall 585-2738
U Mass Summer Rec. Programsvarious agesCall 545-2267
Nike Sports Camps-Williston School, Easthamptonvarious agesCall 1-800-645-3226Check out their website.
Town of Amherst Leisure ServicesAge 7 & upCall 413-256-4065Check out their website.
Amherst College Soccer CampAge 6-16Call 542-8267 or 586-9831
Massachusetts Soccer Academyvarious agesCall Dean Smith 413-545-3544Check out their website.
Student Hosteling Program (cycling)-ConwayAge 12-18Call Ted Lefkowitz 800-343-6132Check out their website.
Northampton Bowl (8-12 July)ages 7-14Call 413-584-4830

Horseback Riding:
Heritage Farm Riding Program-EasthamptonAge 6 & upCall 413-527-1612
Cedar Reach Farm-HadleyAge 7-17Call Tim Barstow 413-586-5035
King Oak FarmAge 8-17Call 413-527-4454Check out their website.
Bonnie Castle Riding Camp - Stoneleigh-Burnham School, GreenfieldAge not specifiedCall 413-774-2711Check out their website.

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