Matthew Hippy V Chris Kevin Theanh Nima Quang and Julians Homepage

If you would like to download some classical music midi's scroll down and look for links to pieces such as Pachebel's canon, Beethovens 5th symphony, Vivaldi's four seasons, Mozart's Sonata in C, or the Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky. If you want more classical music please visit my Midi Page!!! There are lots more midi's here including Candle in the wind by Elton John and Imagine by John Lennon!!!

Hi Everyone! My name is Matthew Thanks for visiting our website!! I hope you like it.
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This webpage has tons and tons of classical music midi files. Any composer you can think of is there including Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Mozart, Vivaldi, etc. It's a great page for anybody who likes to listen to classical music!!!!

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Humberside Collegiate Institute Website

Here are some pieces by various classical composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Pachebel, Vivaldi and Schubert!!! Just click on the song if you want to hear it!!!

Pachebel's Canon

Mozart's Sonata in C

Vivaldi's 4 Seasons

Beethoven's 5th symphony

Sugar Plum Fairy

If you like these midi's visit my midi page!!!

My Midi Page

If you want some graphics visit myGraphics Page

Or if you want to goto my music chatClick here to goto the Chatroom!

If you like comics visit Matthew and Peppe's Comic Page!Click here

Visit my friends Bodhran Page. Cindy Norton Bodhrans

If you are interested in weapons then visit Theanh's and Matthews Military Page.Matthew and Theanh's Military Page.

If you are interested in UFO's visit Theanh and Matthew's UFO Page. Click here to go to our UFO page

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If you are into model airplanes then visit my webpage about building model airplanes!!! Click here

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If you are into UFO's or the paranormal visit Art Bell's official website. Click here to go to

If you have any questions or comments about our website email me at

Email Matthew

Email Theanh

Email Peppe

Email Chris

In the meantime,if you have a request of background music just email me, and tell me which classical tune you would like to hear. I'll put in on my main page for you! Come back soon and visit my homepage!!! I update it all the time. Well, bye... for now!!! I hope to see you soon.

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