Welcome to my page on the tv show "Dawson's Creek". This page is about the shows and the actors/actresses on it. I made this page just because I like the show, but I don't know how long I'll keep this page up, it only has some info and probably once the new season starts I'll put up my opinons of the shows and what I think about it. If you want yours posted e-mail them to me or post them on my Message Board located on the MAIN PAGE (there is a link to that at the bottom of this). I hope you enjoy it and it will be updated periodically. I'll also include some links to other Dawson's Creek sites. If you know of any e-mail me them and I'll put them up. Also I just joined a Dawson's Creek Webring. You can join yourself or follow it to other cool DC sites. I also think Kevin Williamson is a really great writer for what he has done with Dawson's Creek and not to mention the "Scream" movies. He is really a talented guy, in my opinion.
I got this news from Dawson's Dwelling The news is about the new charaters of Dawson's Creek for this season and the people leaving. "Scott Foley, who played jock Cliff on 'Dawson's Creek,' has the major role of the dorm advisor on 'Felicity. That is one of the newest shows on the WB. "Also leaving from DC is Dylan Neal, who played Pacey's brother; he'll co-star on "Hyperion Bay." "To round out its cast again "Dawson's" is adding two characters, brother-sister duo Jack and Andie McPhee, played by Kerr Smith and Meredith Monroe. The McPhee siblings will complicate the romances of the original foursome." "In addition Monica Keena (Abby from last season's 'Breakfast Club' episode) becomes a regular, and Leann Hunley returns as teacher Tamara Jacobs, who had that fling with Pacey." If you want to see the pics of the new members head over to Dawson's Dwelling . Or just go there to check out all the info, pics, bios and more.
Dawson's Creek airs on Tuesday nights on the WB at around 9pm. It is rated tv14 and is not for younger children.
Last Tuesday's episode
hmmm, lets see. Dawson is trying to get over Jen, and goes out with another girl on a double date to show Jen that he is over her. Jen takes Cliff out on their little group date. Meanwhile Pacey and Joey work together on an extra credit Marine Biology experiment, when Pacey kills the snails, so they hunt through the creek for new ones, when the boat drifts away. All in all they get to know eachother better and Pacey starts liking Joey. So, Pacey asks permission from Dawson to kiss Joey, but when he tries she backs off. Also, Dawson's plan didn't work and he didn't get Jen.
The Cast: Katie Holmes (Joey Potter), James Van Der Beek (Dawson Leery) Michelle Williams (Jennifer Lindley, Joshua Jackson (Pacey Witter), and of course all the extras and guests.
Katie Holmes:
age: 19
personality (in real life): she says she is a private person and a little shy
other projects: Disturbing Behavior, Killing Miss Tingle (out sometime next year), and Go! (also starring Scott Wolf)
school: she was acceppted to Columbia Univeristy and she graduated from Notre Dame.
James Van Der Beek:
started acting carerer at age: 13
first acting production: Grease (his school put it on)
pranks played on him by the cast: Katie put salt in his drink and Both Michelle and Katie locked him and Joshua out of their room.
admires: Edward Norton
other projects: Angus, I Love You... I Love You Not, Harvest, and upcoming Varsity Blues
Michelle Williams:
age: 17
personality: self-conscious about her looks.
from: San Diego, California (I'm not sure if she lived other places before this)
other projects: when she was younger she had a guest appearence on H.I., and is in Halloween 20 years later (H20).
Joshua Jackson:
personality: funny and enjoys playing pranks on the cast.
born in: Canada
other projects: Mighty Ducks movies, Apt Pupil (also with Brad Renfro), and Cruel Inventions (with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe).
I hope you have enjoyed this little page about the show and the people on it.

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